By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

18 thoughts on “CSGV Laddite of the Day: Marty Cites”
  1. This is actually quite interesting on a couple of levels.

    First, the group doesn’t ask what someone thinks about the statement, but instead how they “feel”, as if that has any relevance at all.

    Second, people like Marty are the ones who claim gun owners will just randomly flip out and kill people. Projection, anyone?

    1. Would he beat me with an “assault weapon”? I assume the rifle he obtained to beat me with would be legally obtained…

    2. It’s okay for people to discuss how something makes them feel, in the right context. It should never be the primary consideration when you’re proposing changes to public policy, though.

  2. Fucktards like that are one of the reasons we carry- just in case he flips the rest of the way out, finds his spine and attempts to bludgeon us to death.

  3. People like Marty Cites are why people like me choose to carry firearms. The very fact that his first reaction to a simple difference of opinions is not just violence, but murderous violence is inherently disturbing in the extreme.

  4. My defense of the “god-given right” in full:

    “Every single living creature on this Earth has the right, endowed by God, nature, or evolution to defend itself. The duty of the lion is to eat the gazelle, it is the duty of the gazelle to avoid getting eaten by the lion. To the end, the gazelle has horns. The porcupine has spines, the dart frog secretes poison, and I, have a .38 SPC revolver. To deny the right to posess the tools for self defence is to deny the right of self defense. What good is bare hands against a rock, or club, or simply more or stonger persons than myself. Nothing. I don’t carry a gun becuse I want to get into a fight. I carry a gun becuse I don’t want have to rely on the mercy of an unforgiving world.”

  5. Human nature.

    Without fear, there can be no hate. Anti-gunners are so afraid of guns that it eventually turns to hate. If the fear never abates, the hate eventually evolves into violence. Since misery loves company, they then try to project that fear onto everyone else.

    We humans are funny like that.

    1. Of course the opposite is usually true as well, we who carry guns fear very little, as we are prepared and able to defend ourselves if TSHTF, so we are not often driven to hate anyone.

      How many of the mass shooting have been committed by leftist or nearly center individuals? And how many by right leaning people who, in Obama’s words, ‘cling to religion and guns’?

      Most I’ve heard of were decidedly leftist/progressive mind sets. Which makes me wonder if all these senseless shooting are staged to generate support for their gun grabbing legislation?

      1. Is there a secret .Gov or private organization planning mass shooting events to generate support for gun bans? Nah. Conspiracies have a tough time (if not impossible) remaining secret. Just ask ATF and DOJ.
        What we are seeing is Copycats of original dumb sumbitches that have seen too many movies, read too much left wing BS and have no real idea how to mass kill people, thank God.
        One of the deadliest mass killings in the US involved no guns, less than 5 minutes and about a total expenditure of $1 of a readily available item for a total of 87 corpses. Guns just make the shrill sexier for some.
        It is all about people control, not gun control.

  6. […] The Question keeps coming back Why are anti-gun activists so violent? Back to the lizard-brain. Just because they are anti-gun doesn’t mean they are non-violent. As Ken says,  Aug 16, 2012 at 5:38 pm When you reword the question–”Why do violent people want to disarm other people?”–the answer becomes obvious… Share this:EmailPrintTwitterMoreDiggFacebookLinkedInRedditStumbleUponPinterestTumblrLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. […]

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