This is hot off the Facebook presses. Apparently Glenn Beck is hated by the Laddites at the same level as the NRA so putting both together is like the perfect storm for them to basically behave like a lynch mob. I just copied and pasted the comments that you see below the pic as I did not feel like doing a screen cap.

CSGV Glenn


Amazing! And we are supposed to trust these people? They have America’s best interest at heart? They are peaceful? Open minded? All inclusive?

If anything they are a powerful motive to stock up on rifles and ammo.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

22 thoughts on “CSGV: NRA + Glenn Beck = Losing their frigging minds (Updated)”
  1. Ah, the wailing and lamentations of hippies. Sweet, sweet hippie tears.

    Listened to the Beck speech on the NRA site. From what I heard (feed kept interrupting: NRA servers, @#$%^&* Time Warner, my systems???) I’ve new respect for the man and his philosophies.

  2. They don’t want guns due to the fact that if they got their heads examined they wouldn’t be allowed to own guns, so they just cry about them… WOW

    1. Usually, the good Lord works in mysterious ways… but not today. This here is sixty-six tons of straight-up de-vine intervention. If God is love, then call me Cupid.

      -Staff Sgt. Avery J. Johnson, Halo 2

  3. I’m stocking up on guns and ammo as well as garlic, crucifixes, wooden stakes and salt.
    When the bad guys come for those CSGV idiots they can be sure I won’t defend them with MY guns…..maybe….after all, I’m a compassionate, freedom loving AMERICAN gun owner.

    1. I’ve started a new challenge mode in video games I play. I call it “Gun-control Pacifist run.”

      You’re allowed to kill as many enemies or NPCs as you please, if friendly-fire is on, player-kills are also acceptable, but you can only kill without using guns.

      Vehicles, assassinations, melee weapons, environmental kills, traps, and high explosives are totally cool.

  4. MAN, that’s a lotta hateful stupidity. And those “penis jokes” are getting old, those of you gun control freaks who secretly wish you had vaginas.

    This is why we’re done debating, and backing up, anymore. You want our guns? COME AND TAKE ‘EM! And may the odds be ever in your favor! BWAHAHAHAAA!

    1. I have come to the conclusion that people who talk about how big their own(or someone else’s) penis is are the ones who are small and sensitive about it.

      If they were confident about it, they wouldn’t bring it up.

      Side-note: the “ex-mormon” there? Quick Google search leads me to call BULL. That or she was part of a dishonest cult offshoot from the main church.(I am not a Mormon. The whole religion strikes a bit of a weird vibe for me, and directly conflicts with a couple of Christian teachings, but I do live with a couple of them and have managed to sneak the occasional look at the inner workings of the church… which is occasionally cause for said weird vibe.)

    2. I heard Mas Ayoob said that if we were compensating, nobody would admit owning a sunb-nose revolver. And I would add owning a pocket pistol for that matter. I have a NAA revolver so that means…..?
      Hello Ladies

      (This is where my wife kills me….slowly)

      1. Using the same logic with reference to giant swords and spears, my preferred melee weapon has long been either two short knives or bare fists.(or whatever my opponent was holding before I took it from him…)

        I actually bought a 5-shot .22 revolver once(quothe myself, “It’s so cute!”). Fired 2 cylinders worth out of it, hit absolutely nothing. Traded it in to help pay for my new 12-guage shotgun.

    3. What is with the vaginas? Vaginas are the new erection, same bad behavior only inside out.

  5. The only way the CSGV arguments can possibly make sense is if they build them around their inaccurate (read intolerant, caricaturish, or other word as you will) view of us and what we actually believe and how we actually act.
    If they *really* knew us as a culture, their arguments would collapse. They *have* to push their fantasy or they have nothing to be self-righteous about.
    Miguel, I believe you offered that observation first… props where props due.

  6. If someone is going to try to take our guns, what will they use to take them?
    If they come for mine, I’ll have coffee on and cheese Danish and talk them out of it….

  7. I’m still trying to figure out what they think a typical NRA member is like.

    They seem to believe in a boogeyman. Well, a strawman at least.

    Themes that we are uneducated, paranoid, old, red neck/cowboy white men with virility issues righton the verge of a massacre of our neighbors, seems common. Nice way to advance the dialog.

    Given the huge numbers of NRA members who are military, law enforcement, different ethnicity, female, or younger, they fail to realize that they are insulting a HUGE swath of Americans; many their next door neighbors. In the hostile environment they create, do they know for sure whether their neighbor is gun free?

    Me? I’m a white, highly educated nice middle-aged guy. I just want them to mind their own business and leave me alone.

    But no, they feel compelled to attack my rights and pronounce me evil and culpable for the heinous crimes of a tiny minority of deranged individuals. That is the fundamental difference; I would like to go about my business and they insist that my God-given rights be violated. So, who is the extremist? Who is NOT on the moral high ground? Who is the [choose one of their colorful phrases from above]?

    No compromise with them ever. Not a single inch, We have nothing to discuss. You do not talk soothingly to a rabid, snarling dog.

    1. I’d be willing to grant them the cowboy, white man, and virility issues for myself, on account of the fact I rather like the cowboy aesthetic, my skin is inescapably and undeniably pale, and I haven’t yet met anybody I wanted to have sex with, so I haven’t exactly been able to give the equipment a test drive.

      I feel like I should be offended that they think those are bad things, though.

  8. Holy moly! My sides! “One on one you are still scared of the word vagina” courtesy of sue Stewart…. My sides! I’m going to sue her for assaulting them with laughter!!!

    All those small penis comments lol but no we would be the pigs if we were to provide them proof otherwise. Also hilarious side note they are defining manhood by the size of your dick not the worth of your character delicious irony!

  9. Did you see this bit of “reasoned discourse’ in a comment on CSGV’s Facebook Page?

    “Randy Everhart: this country has gone bat-ass crazy !!!!!!!! this thing passes somebody needs to take out the board of the nra !!! i would i can;t walk very far !!!!!!!! i could put some hard points on my government issued wheel chair !!!!!! ””’that will work ””'”

    1. They are so violent for peace activists…..

      Wait…this one is better for idiocy content

      David Owen People seem to lack mental acuity needed to imagine how quickly this could make printing undectectable plastic weaponry a global enterprise. Even if our best scanners detect typical gun shapes, eventually non-conventional explosives and weapons of all shapes and sizes will be invented. their blueprints could be digitally swapped around the globe and printed by those with double digit IQs. I predict the NRA will flip on regulation. Pandora’s box has just been opened.

      Scanning and printing explosives? Talk about double digit IQ

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