The Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence are evacuating cement blocks about a range bag. Apparently, the main cause that Mass Killers are ineffectual in bringing death and destruction is that they are not quite organized. Apparently and according to the geniuses at CSGV, this backpack will solve that problem.That range bags and range backpacks have been on the market for decades seems to have escaped their collective brain trust….or maybe it is because it has the NRA logo on it that makes it double secret hateful.


They get told real quick but knowing their penchant for deleting contrary opinions, I had to save the screen cap:

CSGV NRA backpackWell said Mr. Neighbors. Hats off to you sir.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “CSGV: NRA Mass Killer Backpack! ZOMG!”
  1. remember the Hoodie fisco, where in the CSGV went ape shit over the NRA selling hoodies. while selling hoodies themselves?

      1. As a Paramedic my training to handle the mentally ill was limited that said, I see a lot of behaviors by the cult that fit people with large mental problems that are in need of care. If the liberals had not destroyed the mental health care system back in the 70’s these people might have gotten the care they really really need

        1. If the liberals had not destroyed the mental health care system back in the 70′s these people might have gotten the care they really really need

          There is no doubt that there were horror stories back then about the treatment of people with mental health problems. But it became the White Man’s Civil Rights crusade and went too far making it a danger not only for the affected but for everybody else.

          Get the book “My Brother Ron” by Clayton Cramer…. an eye opener about this subject.

  2. This just in….. “Shooting at Navy ship yard, three shots fired, at least one victim, suspect using a LARGE shotgun”.
    Who makes the LARGE shotgun? I never heard of that brand.

  3. Bought a backpack for each of my grandchildren, all three are in a school building right now. Don’t tel the cult, they will have the school locked down and I will never see my grand kids again except through bars in prison.

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