By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “CSGV: That pretty much sums it up.”
  1. The fact that they want to put me and my friends who own guns(many of whom are Jewish) in concentration camps, and yet they say I’m the Nazi…

    The moment you start saying you want to put other people in camps, you’ve lost all moral high ground.

    1. I’d say it proves they never had any moral advantage, if their desire to rid the world of violence starts with sending government thugs to kill me for not complying with their disarmament fantasy.

  2. I recall the time I met the Jewish parents of one of my coworkers. My coworker was a health food nut and an anti gun nut. I found out where he got both from. Mom was a health food nut, and Dad was an anti gun nut.

    I pointed out to him (the dad) that I was quite surprised at his attitude, since I would have thought that, as a Jew, he’d have been aware that the first thing Hitler did to facilitate the Holocaust was to disarm the very people he wanted to exterminate. He seemed a bit surprised at my statement, and then gave the usual “that couldn’t happen here” platitudes. I countered that with the fact that it already had, and a documentary film had been made about it. A history teacher (this was in the pre-internet days) reacted to his students making the same claim by recreating the Hitler youth movement. He changed the uniforms, and modified the “Germany first” language to fit the midwestern setting, but within weeks he had 90%+ of the school wearing the movement’s uniforms, swearing allegiance to the movement and it’s leader, etc.. Those not part of the movement were faced with increasingly hostile levels of ostracism, and then the beatings started. There were a few students that the teacher had let into the scheme at the beginning, and they made him aware that the violence had begun. He then announced that the national leader of the movement was coming to give a speech at a convocation at their school. The teacher then came out on stage to introduce the movement’s leader, at which point they started playing a movie of Hitler giving one of his speeches. The students had proved his point for him.

    Can it happen here? Would the President, whoever he is, be able to get the people of his administration to do hateful and harmful things to the citizens of the USA? Well, does anyone recall the things that were done to veterans trying to visit open air monuments during the recent government shutdown? The government had to spend money and devote people to trying to keep veterans out of a location that under normal circumstances can be walked into 24 hours a day. These were open air, outdoor monuments. Or federal personnel used to prevent people from stopping on a non-federal road to take photographs of Mt. Rushmoore? Or do you recall that the first use of the PATRIOT act was not to gather evidence and prosecute terrorists, but was used against a brothel in Louisiana? How about killing 80+ people in an attempt to arrest ONE man in Waco, TX? A man that was known to leave the compound where he lived on a regular basis, and who could have been arrested quite easily and without violence while grocery shopping. But instead, they went for an early morning high risk raid into a compound where there was known to be 80+ people (including children) that could be injured or killed during the raid.

    It can happen here, and it has been happening here in miniature for years, and step one of making it happen on a massive scale is to ensure that the people can’t resist, and that means taking away our guns. I have to wonder about the motives of anyone who wants me defenseless, regardless of how high minded their stated motives are. I firmly believe that my coworker’s Dad honestly thinks things would be better if only government personnel had guns and everyone else didn’t. He’s what Stalin called a “useful idiot”, and even if you told him that, he’d probably not change his stance. The problem is that it isn’t enough for him to make himself helpless against tyranny, he wants to make everyone else helpless, too. And like many others like him, he had no plan on how to take guns from criminals, who by definition will break the law, including the one that says they can’t have a gun.

  3. To those who say “It can’t happen here”, we should consider carefully two counter-examples: the Japanese-American concentration camps, and the American Indian reservations. Ah, heck, let’s throw in a Missouri execution order against Mormons as well, just to be sure.

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