OK, who is stockpiling and how come I haven’t got my stockpile of AKs? Oh wait, I forgot. I am not a Mexican Narco. Damn!

Seriously Ladd, your tin foil hat is showing way too much. Maybe it is time for you to seek professional help and stop self-medicating.

Update: As requested, the cartoon CSGV posted:

Remember: If you want one, it means you want to pull the trigger and kill something. There is no other use for a gun according to them….except there are other uses that do not require burning ammo. Sometimes criminals do get the message.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “CSGV: Tin Foil Hat is showing.”
  1. The sad truth is that to anti-rights cultists like Ladd, a handgun for carry purposes, a shotgun for home defense, a rifle for hunting, and an ‘evil black rifle’ for range entertainment would constitute a “stockpile”.

    For that matter, one of those would constitute a “stockpile”, which is the truth of the matter – Ladd and all his hoplophobic buddies do not want firearms in anyone’s hands, and they are hypocritically willing to kill you to see it happen.

  2. Can’t help you with the AK, but you can buy the shirt from me. I still have Large, 1XL and 3XL’s available.

    My stockpile is growing. I already had an XD .45 and a Remington M700. With my filthy lucre from selling t-shirts I’ve bought a 10/22 and a 22/45. When the Zombie Squirrel Apocolypse happens, I should be ready.

  3. I have a handgun to carry, one each pump and semi-automatic shotguns for hunting or home defense, two bolt-action vintage military rifles that could be used for hunting I guess, and a .22 semi-automatic and a Saiga EBR in .223 for range entertainment (and I guess the .22 could be a varmint rifle as well).
    Wow, I have a “Stockpile”!
    If I had one more handgun and another EBR I’d have enough for two “stockpiles”! (That sounds like a good reason to get an AR, maybe in 5.56, and a .357 wheel-gun.)
    What I’d really like, though, is an “arsenal” cause that would really be cool. How many more do I need for the upgrade?

  4. I have a feeling that they would be way more freaked out by the AR15 I’m saving for than by the 1937 Mosin-Nagant I just got that has actually taken part in the wholesale slaughter of Nazis (or Finns or prisoners in the gulags, but I prefer to assume it was Nazis only).

    Anyone know what the caption on the comic says?

  5. Regarding the caption about “600 intruders per minute”, I had an exchange once on this topic with Joan Peterson before I banned MYSELF from every willfully going back to that silly site.

    I said what about if I had 3 intruders in my house and being a poor shot missed a few times. Should I be able to have a large capacity magazine to even the odds?

    She basically said that I lived in a frightful world. However, I keep reading about multiple criminal situations and current statistics are that half of the home invasions have 2 or more criminals working together.

    So, if I feel that I need a lot of fire power covering my bedroom door, is that really so crazy? Is that cartoon actually clever?

    Likewise, as others have revealed, multiple firearms in a house does not constitute an arsenal or stockpile. They are often just different tools for different uses.

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