CSGV Tsarnaev brothersThis is the kind of stuff that makes you wonder how the CSGV leaders and its followers are capable of breathing without instructions.The Tsarnaev brothers are scum terrorists that placed two ILLEGAL explosive devices (one of them next to an 8-year-old boy), killed three people, wounded over 140 without batting an eye. Yet these unremitting idiots just concentrate on one act because it fits their sick agenda of destroying our Bill of Rights and saying “Fuck You, you don’t count” to everybody else, no matter how grievously they were affected. Do notice that they don’t even mention the name of the Officer they are trying to exploit as Sean Collier is nothing more than a nameless, faceless prop in their cheap horror movie they so hard are trying to sell.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “CSGV: Too Dumb for Words part 2. (Graphic Content)”
    1. Probably hard for a teenager and an adult with a domestic violence rap to get permits.

      And there would be no sense of irony with the gun grabbers, only a call to make permit holder’s info public because “they are clearly dangerous people” or some such BS.

  1. None of the 140+ victims of the bombs were hurt by GUN VIOLENCE™. Polls show that 90% of Good Honest People know that GUN VIOLENCE™ is 125% more bad than all other forms of violence combined.

  2. Thank you for proving our point you liberal idiots…CRIMINALS DON’T FOLLOW THE LAWS!!! Yet somehow, you think that making more of them is going to solve our problems. Is that like “Double Secret Probation”?

  3. Sooooo…how is it that MORE gun laws will stop someone who cares nothing about laws, or the value of human life, from attaining more guns? Could it be that the gun laws only affect the LAW ABIDING, which required citizens in Watertown to hunker down behind locked doors and hope and pray that nobody kicked in their front door? Hmmm…so more gun laws would really be useless. Maybe the antigun crowd should come up with an effective method of disarming CRIMINALS first.

  4. Everyone knows you get the illegal gun permitts from the same people you get your illegal druggs from, Duh………….. 🙁

  5. Would their crimes have been any less if they HAD gun permits?
    Did they have PRESSURE COOKER permits???
    I have a pressure cooker…..oh oh, was that a knock at my door?

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