Frankly I am amazed that it took them this long to find about it.
CSGV RugerBill Ruger was a great gun designer and manufacturer, but he was a treasonous f*** to Gun Owners. He was an old school businessman that expected to save his company from the impending legislation that ended up being the Assault Weapons Ban by feeding the wolves a small part of his business body and everybody else’s full bodies with the belief that they would leave him alone and continue business as usual. He greatly miscalculated in several fronts: The political wolves are never satisfied and they will keep wanting more. Almost all other firearm manufacturers stopped being competitors (in the stupid way) and joined forces to fight the common enemy. And his customers turned against him and the brand.

It took the company over a decade to recover from such a gigantic misstep. The new board of directors had to pretty much convince the public that they had no relationship with the old man Ruger and still to this day, many Gun Owners refuse to buy Ruger products.

Possibly the greatest insult hurled at Ruger was at a gun show I was attending around the year 2000 or so. At one table there were selling a Mini-14 (the specific gun which made Bill Ruger write his letter to Congress) for a fairly decent price but nobody gave it a care. There were two other guys perusing the offerings and one pointed the Mimi-14 to his friend who said “I rather buy a turd than a Mini-14.” Sales of the Min1-14 never recovered and the new Ruger corporation moved to build its own version of the AR to compete in the long gun market.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “CSGV’s new Hero: Bill Ruger.”
  1. Interesting bit of trivia. Anybody remember the numnuts on the NRA Board of Directors that recently made a similar statement? With the BOD election coming up, would be nice to know.

  2. Next up, they’ll try to explain that Adolt Hitler was a helluva guy, after all, the Prime Minster of the United Kingdom said that “Herr Hitler is an honorable man.”

  3. True story from last night: I was playing Left 4 Dead 2 with a friend of mine from Ireland, and we were chatting about guns while we played.

    Her: “But for self-defense you only need one bullet.”

    Me: “Actually, in a self-defense situation you need to expect about 2/3 of your shots to miss, and I’ve read stories about attackers who keep coming even after taking as many as 5 hits.”

    her: *WHAT!?*

    So with all due respect to Sturm Ruger: “No honest man needs more than AS MANY AS YOU CAN FIT INTO IT! rounds in any gun.”


  4. No honest man would sell such a pos gun that it would require the man to carry two.
    Thats how I’ve felt about Rugers my entire adult life. They’re junk.

    1. Nnnnno. I’d bet my life on my GP100, and I got the Appleseed Rifleman patch with a ~30-year-old 10/22 with the original factory barrel.

      But that doesn’t mean Bill Sr. wasn’t a quisling.

      1. Ruger makes great guns. Still if your carry gun is a SP101, or a GP100 it might be a good idea to carry a 2nd gun in case 5-6 is more rounds you need.

        Also to add to Miguel, as soon as Bill Ruger was in the ground they started making black rifles, double-stack pistols, and large magazines for guns like the Mini-14 and the 10/22.

        Also I asked a sales rep from Ruger at the NRA show why they felt the need to throw a thumb safety on their guns when their competitors seemed fit to just rely on a DAO trigger.

        The rep responded: “So We can sell them in all 50 states as soon as they come off the assembly line”. Hard to argue with that, and I’m sure that would piss old Bill off.

        Lastly, are cops not honest men? Have a look at your patrol officer’s duty belt. He or she has a double-stack pistol holding between 15 and 17 rounds, and usually around 4 spare mags, that’s 76 to 86 pills by my math, and that doesn’t count the AR in the trunk, or backup guns!

        1. “…are cops not honest men?”

          Weer’d, there are a lot of cops out there who are not honest. I’d even go so far to say that in some cities, the department itself is dishonest.

        2. “Lastly, are cops not honest men?”

          No, no they’re not. I used to be a cop in my hometown. They all hated me because I wasn’t like them. Needless to say, I didn’t stay there long.

      2. I got my patch with an SR556 with no other modifications than a scope. My brother got his with a bare bones 10/22.

  5. I disagree. I love my little Ruger Bearcat. It’s a sturdy, reliable and reasonably accurate. revolver, and I don’t think it’s junk. However, I was disappointed in Bill when he started siding with the anti-gun nuts.

    1. Sturdy and reliable- no argument there. But S-R never made a Bearcat that’d fit my hand well enough to shoot anywhere near accurately. More than likely, that particular revolver was made for kids’ small hands so they could ‘shoot like dad’.
      That being said, I love my Police Security Six, which fits my hand perfectly. And the 10-22 ain’t no slouch, either, and I enjoy the MK II so much it’s my BOB BUG, among other ‘bigger’ calibers.

  6. This: “Frankly I am amazed that it took them this long to find about it.”

    I think I found out about this within an hour of deciding to get my concealed carry permit. I do have a 10/22, but that’s the only Ruger I own.

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