I won’t even bother to comment. I’ll let you guys have fun.

And then, the video.

OK, stop laughing now… seriously. You should not mock people with mental issues.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “CSI: Antifa.”
  1. It gets better.

    They are accusing a specific person of firing the shots. They had several people set up outside a parking garage, recording the cars leaving a “Blue Lives Matter” rally so they can doxx them later. As one of the cars leaves, you can hear the shots….but you cannot see any guns, or people running, and the car they’re accusing of doing the shooting….stops with traffic. You can also see both the driver’s hands on the steering wheel immediately before the shooting starts. There is a passenger, but there’s a cyclist like 20 feet away from the passenger window when the “shooting” starts and he doesn’t even flinch.


    How many people—-even gun people—-do you know that wouldn’t flinch if someone popped off a couple of 9mm rounds 20 feet away from you without warning and with no ear protection?

    The best part about this whole thing is that they’re complaining the cops haven’t arrested the guy they’re accusing, but also no one will talk to the cops to provide witness statements or even file an incident report.

    They really feel like all they have to do is post video on Twitter and the cops will just show up and arrest someone. Oh, and by the way, Antifa in Portland isn’t asking to “defund” the police. Their posters all say:
    “No cops.
    No prisons.
    Total abolition.”

  2. They have similarly accused a local veteran of throwing pipe bombs at protesters and refuse to talk to the police, while simultaneously complaining that the police have not arrested the man they accused. Protesters also may have removed the fragments from the scene, but I’m unclear on that.

    The “pipe bombs” in question appear to have been cardboard tubes with black powder, and the videos of them going off show that no one was withing 20-30 yards of the explosions. The veteran is not seen in the videos at all, but someone saw him a few minutes later walking down a street nearby and got him on video. That’s the evidence they have. That’s it. Yes, it’s a bit fishy that he had night vision with him, but they literally only have “this dude was nearby” and they’re furious that Oregon hasn’t executed him yet.

    Essentially, they were homemade flash bangs that scared some folks.

    Contrast that with Antifa throwing commercial-grade mortars into police lines, which is all in good fun and totally not a reason for the police to break up a “protest.”

  3. Perhaps those shells are from one of those .22mm pistols of which I have read from our exalted journalists. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

    1. At least it wasn’t a 40mm caliber handgun, I’ve be trying to find one ever since a reporter told me about them. I wonder if Acme makes them.

  4. Fun Issue #3
    An armed gang has been terrorizing the protesters. They started by robbing a tent that had been set up to feed protesters, called “Riot Ribs.” Riot Ribs had received almost $400,000 in donations at that point, and they fled the city. Supposedly they have donated that money to other Antifa groups but who knows.

    The armed gang then took over the Riot Ribs tent and started taking donations. When word got out that they were not the original Riot Ribs people, folks stopped going there and started using the “Snack Van.” A few days later, the Snack Van was robbed by the same gang.

    This gang has also robbed individual protesters and seriously injured some of them by beating the crap out of them. They curb stomped at least one young woman, giving her a traumatic brain injury.

    The gang has singled out certain people for victimization, too, because those people had large amounts of cash on them the first time they were robbed, so they get robbed again. And if you don’t have their money the second time? Well its time for you to get your ass beat.

    And now to the fun part: No one will go to the police because the gang is mostly black teenagers, like 13-15 years old. In fact, some have suggested going to the cops and been admonished for it, because “that’s not how we solve things.”

    Okay, you do you, but….those kids have guns and violence and you have Twitter.

    https://twitter.com/HailleyNolan/status/1294847408036147200 <–just one of many, many threads on this.

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