Now that you mention it…

1944 M5A1 Stuart for sale.

 This 1944 M5A1 Stuart is an American-made light tank that was reportedly shipped to Europe late in the Second World War. It was then sold to Portugal, where it was retained in their light tank inventory through the late 1960s.

The tank was returned to the US by the Southeastern Equipment Company (SECO) in the 1980s, and has not been used as a monument tank. The tank was in a private collection through 2016 with one owner. The current owner added it to his collection 2016 and performed a general service shortly after his acquisition, including changing the fluids. This running and driving Stuart is located in Los Angeles, California, and it is now being offered on behalf of the current owner on a bill of sale.

$200,000 sale price.  Like my wife says: “Dear, you have the good taste, just not the budget.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on ““Damned Gun Owners! Why don’t you demand a tank?””
  1. Having that as a “daily driver” would be about the only thing that could induce me to move to LA.

  2. You forgot the $200 NFA tax stamp to get the 37mm gun working again.

    Ian from Forgotten Weapons shot a carriage mounted version of the 37mm M3.

    If you can find the ammo and some spare parts it would be legal to have the tank with a functioning main gun.

  3. Never had a longing for a tracked vehicle, but I did always want to own a street legal Daimler Ferret to drive back and forth to work.

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