L:ast Saturday, Bette Midler posted this in Twitter from her home in NYC:

Mind you, the poor & Cabin Fever semi-demented woman probably saw photos taken of the beaches in other years and during big weekends or celebrations, apparently pissed off petty and jealous souls decided to do shot like that because they are having their own cases of Cabin Fever and Jellied Spine.  First Coast News posted a drone video of a beach opened in Jacksonville.


Now, I almost sort of understand the oozing jealousy pouring out of Karen Bette Midler: New York is leading, no, it is a Third World country of its own when it comes to being infected by the virus. Take a guess which one is dear ole Gotham?

Click to enlarge

New Yorkers are proud to live the way they live. Fine, it is their right and God Bless their little hearts. I’ve been there once visiting and truthfully I never had the urge to repeat the experience. But with a high concentration of people come a high concentration of problems and this time the problem was of a deadly nature as the graphic above shows. New Yorkers have condemned themselves to use mostly public transportation and that, in times of Pandemic, is not quite the best way to go if you want to remain uninfected:

A recently-published academic paper concludes that the subways have indeed been New York’s worst virus problem:

New York City’s multitentacled subway system was a major disseminator – if not the principal transmission vehicle – of coronavirus infection during the initial takeoff of the massive epidemic that became evident throughout the city during March 2020.


Please go read the rest of the article plus a PJ Media article mentioned in it. It is illuminating.

I forget where I read that a New Yorker was complaining people outside the city were not showing the same love after 9/11. He is right, people are not feeling the same “love” because frankly we are kind of tired of the histrionics from people like Cuomo  who  wants all the supplies for New York and fuck everybody else and of course attitudes like Karen Bette Midler trying to dictate New York “morals” (I know, that was a stretch) against people that are not in her zip code, nor having to deal with viral cesspool conditions like her town. And wait till the Narrative about the Nation-Wide Shutdown shifts to “I lost my job and savings because the virus response was the same as the shithole New York instead of where I live.”

So, to the Karens of New York: Tend to your problems, get your house in order and leave the rest of the country alone.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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