CSGV RED RD1) If Evil Black Rifles are so bad, Why is that child holding one?
2) Is that an Evil High Capacity Magazine Clip attached to that Evil Black Rifle that the poor kid is holding?
3) Where is this picture taken? I ask because in some states, carrying a weapon into a state building is illegal. That wouldn’t be a school, right?
4) If the building is a school, Has the kid holding the Evil Black Rifle been suspended/expelled? We do have a Zero Tolerance across the board in this country, right?
5) Were Child Services notified that some irresponsible adults allowed a young kid to manipulate such a dangerous weapon?
6) A white person is holding an Evil Black Rifle with an African-American present in the room. Isn’t that racist?

Just some questions that jumped out while sipping a late night cup of instant coffee.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Dear Moms Demand Action (subsidiary of MAIG): Can you explain this picture?”
  1. Man, they got the word order all screwed up again. It should read “One child is holding something to protect herself which has been banned in America.”

    For bonus points, if Red Riding Hood had been carrying an M16, the wolf would have made himself scarce.

  2. The caption in the picture states, “One child is holding something that’s been banned in America to protect them. Guess which one.” This misleading attempt to sway the emotions of the viewer into supporting gun control misses the mark. I’m sure their point is that “Little Red Ridding Hood” has been banned in certain schools. But what they fail to mention is that with “gun free zones” the AR in the other child’s hands is also banned from schools, unless in the hands of the Police. Likewise they decide not to mention that depending on the home and the state and local laws both objects might be in the homes of either or both of the children.

  3. “[B]anned in America”? Sure, “in America,” but that’s quite different from “across America.”

    THAT PARTICULAR PRINTING of Little Red Riding Hood is banned by a COUPLE SCHOOL BOARDS in California. Why? Because, true to the story, the cover picture depicts Red carrying a bottle of wine in her basket. Oooh, Scary!

    But it’s just that printing, from that publisher, in those areas. Other printings of the EXACT SAME STORY – without the picture of wine – are OK. Besides, California isn’t one to talk about “assault weapons” needing to be banned. And don’t they as a state have a large wine industry, anyway?

    1. That’s something I never understood either. Why does alcohol or tobacco use get something a harsher rating? It’s not like kids aren’t going to encounter people who drink beer or wine or smoke cigarettes on a daily basis, and before water purification was mastered to the degree that it was only fairly recently, letting your fruit juice ferment a few months was a good way to keep dysentery at bay.

      So in short, both of the items in the picture promote the safety and well-being of those little girls.

  4. In most states, a minor must be under a parent/guardians supervision at a range or out legally hunting to handle a firearm. Fed law prohibits firearms in schools without a CCW permit that you can’t get until you are 21. Is law enforcement going to investigate MDA for enforcement of current laws, or is the MDA above the law (that they want made even stronger)???

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