This week, the lates “scandal” was the accusation by a former State IT about the numbers given by the state would no longer be reliable. The lady in question was in charge of Florida’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard website and apparently she refused to follow the instructions of her bosses and go fired for insubordination. She dumped an poison email last Friday saying she could no longer guarantee the truthfulness of the information which the media immediately latched as to reflect ALL the data was suspect. Of course, that would also accuse the “whistleblower” of tainting the numbers, but they don’t care.

DeSantis was asked today about it and here is his response:

But how available is the data? You just need to go to the Florida Covid-19 Response page and check the big buttons at the bottom of the main page.  The one titled “Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report.” is 829 pages long and describes case by case, county by county.  It does not get any more detailed than that.

This whole faux scandal is simply the urgent need to find a way to dismiss Florida’s success with a Republican Governor. The Narrative is that Republicans want people dead, specially the elderly and children and that is why they go door to door adding lead to the water of Flint, Michigan. The Media cannot stomach the fact that Backwater Florida, full with immigrants that do not necessarily fall into the Democrat Plantation has done a much better job than the members of the Governmental Intelligentsia of New York and surrounding areas.

And also, the Media prophesized death and more death from Florida and who is this dumb Florida-born Dago to do shit that contradicts them? He must be dragged through the mud.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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