Thirdpower listened to Dick Metcalf’s interview on Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk.

But the stupid continues:

“I do not believe,” he said, “I cannot personally or philosophically believe that refusing or forbidding discussion of significant issues of any kind because of fear that somebody else might take advantage of it or hold it up as a matter of political weakness should ever close peoples’ minds or close the door to reasoned discourse.”

via Days of our Trailers: Metcalf Still Doesn’t Get It.

Where the F*** has this guy been for the last 5 years? He had to actually utter one of the mantras of the new generation of Gun Grabbers?  It is not that he suddenly became (or secretly he was one) a flunkie for the Gun Control groups or has been schtupping Japete on the side, I think he has been isolated from the rest of the world, tinkering with the guns that would appear in the catalog…er… Guns and Ammo and was oblivious what we have been facing pertaining gun rights.

I think we have found the Joe Biden of the Gun Culture.

(note: edited for clarity and more cowbell)

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Dick Metcalf: Oh no, He Didn’t…..”
  1. I wonder if he thinks polymer handguns aren’t as durable and reliable as good old 1911’s, and if he thinks that you could never hunt with an AR.

  2. To address his point about First Amendment, he go to spout off without censorship. He just does not like the consequences.

    To apply Second Amendment restrictions to his First Amendment rights he would, 1) have to a 16 hour class on writing before creating his editorials, 2) have to register his PC and prove he is not a felon to buy it, 3) keep his PC with the OS locked up away from it, and only be allowed to install the “minimal” OS version lest it be too capable of spewing out a hundred words a second, 4) and be allowed to buy only one PC per month.

    See how unreasonable and idiotic all the gun control laws are?

  3. I think his ego has gotten too big. He wants to be liked by all and especially by the “elitists” who want to ban all private ownership. It won’t be long before he starts writing for bloomberg and showing his true colors. Money will flow and the gun grabbers will love him.

    That is what he is really after. Adoration. He has been passed up by this new generation of gun owners and seeks relevance.

  4. I’m impressed Miguel! you spelled “schtupping” correctly! Although maybe he’s schtupping shannon Watts. At his age….

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