True. Thank God for the internet and constant updates.

Nearly 2,000 people called for the termination of a New York City professor after she reportedly fell asleep during an anti-racist meeting held on Zoom.

Patricia Simon, a theater arts associate professor at Marymount Manhattan College, is facing requests for her removal after a June 29 Zoom meeting to discuss the adoption of an “anti-racist framework.”

The petition reached 1,902 supporters before being closed.

“This is a petition that is demanding the removal a faculty member who does not align with the anti-racist views and actions that were promised to be adopted by the department earlier this week at the Town Hall meetings,” wrote Marymount student Caitlin Gagnon, who started the petition two weeks ago.

Petition to Fire NYC Professor Accused of Sleeping During Anti-Racist Meeting Gathers 2,000 Signatures

Tovarisch, in the era of BLM, any idiot is a commissar. Any little idiot with a little thirst for membership in the Club Of The Racially Righteous and Totally Woke.

The only reason that corporate America invests heavily in the purchase of coffee and its related equipment is because of endless boring meetings that require heavy intakes of the stimulant to remain awake, and still then many fail and the eventual doze off happens. But other than the embarrassing waking up while everybody is staring at you and the disgusted gaze of the boss, nothing else hap[pens. But for another Zoom meeting dealing with fake outrage? You must hang or at least lose your means of subsistence.

We are now living under the watch of a Heterodoxy Patrol just like the Mutawa (Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice ) in Saudi Arabia whose only function is to seek and to immediately punish anybody who stray even the slightest from Islamic law.

We need a readjustment in idiotic attitudes soon, if only to avoid tragedy. They eventually going to attack the wrong person, the one that will take and return the favor one thousand percent and I don’t meant a simple counter-signature campaign in the net but something more permanent in Real Life.

Actually, it will have to happen so a deeper-lasting lesson is taught.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Did you know falling asleep is racist?”
  1. “We need a readjustment in idiotic attitudes soon, if only to avoid tragedy. They eventually going to attack the wrong person, the one that will take and return the favor one thousand percent and I don’t meant a simple counter-signature campaign in the net but something more permanent in Real Life.”

    I think we are, sadly, way past the point of niceties. Only thing is going to get the progtards attention will be when people whose life they ruined come back for payback, and I’m not talking about the monetary kind. And it has already begun.

    As the saying goes, nothing more dangerous than a person who has nothing to lose.

  2. The first person to stop clapping will be shot…

    I’ve read it was a true statement and I’ve read that it wasn’t actually true. But when The Great Leader speaks, you stand, you clap you you don’t stop too soon.

    Being the first to stop might mean you aren’t as loyal to The Great Leader as those around you.

    When the lecture is about BLM Is Great, you better not be the first person to stop clapping.

  3. There are several good reasons for turning off video in Zoom. I didn’t realize this was another one, but it is.
    So, a note to all sane people: when you’re forced to attend woke virtual meetings, your video needs to be off. Oh yes, and remember the mute button, too.

  4. Rules for videoconferencing:
    1. Turn your camera off (or tape over it)
    2. Mute your microphone.
    3. Set a wake-up timer on your phone.

  5. But Nick Cannon gets to keep his job on The Masked Singer after calling white subhuman because they lack melanin.

    The double standard will only hasten the ugliness.

    1. If the objective is to make more white people racist, I’d say they probably are succeeding.

      You can only tell people they’re bad/evil/racist for so long before they start thinking “screw it, might as well live down to their expectations because they’ll never believe otherwise anyway.”

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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