I am giving myself a break from blogging duties till next Tuesday.  I was dumb enough to start another blog and left enough material scheduled to work through Sunday that I simply was spent trying to come up with stuff for this blog.  My mind is saying “Dude, you need a break.” and I am planning to do so.

If you feel like dropping by, go check my new blog FloridaHuman.com. The subject matter will be immediately obvious.

And in the meantime, this is  snapshot that shows what happens when Gun Life spills into other areas of your life.



And don’t forget we do not celebrate Memorial Day, we commemorate those fallen in the battlefield under our flag.

See you Tuesday.

PS: I am leaving the keys with J.Kb. any complains, talk to him. 😀

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Disconnecting for the weekend.”
  1. Why do you do this to me? As an ex-Floridian (but no relation to Florida Man), I love these stories from my former home state. Don’t I waste enough time looking at the Interwebs already? Now you go and do this!
    You are pure evil.
    Great blog. Thanks.

  2. Rest Sir. And never forget those who gave all. I actually will be working my “real” job on Sunday and Monday. But I will be remembering..

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