Someone purporting to represent antifa has responded to Wheeler with a new video. In this video, the masked individual pushes anti-American themes and publishes Wheeler’s home address. The individual finishes the disturbing presentation with a veiled threat to kill Mayor Wheeler.

BREAKING: In Chilling Video, Antifa Doxes, Threatens to KILL Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler

And to quote from a famous movie.

Eff you ted. You let them play around, get bigger and stronger because Orange Man Bad. Yet you thought they would disappear just because PedoJoe was selected to the White House.

Have fun, asshole.

It is 7:35 pm EST as I write this.  I screen-captured the Tweet above because Twitter still has it up after 22+ hours.

But at least it is not a mean tweet calling the Chinese flu by nasty names.

Hat Tip Sean S.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Do I look like somebody who gives a damn?”
  1. The Montagnards turned on the Girondins;
    The Bolsheviks turned on the Mensheviks;
    The Red Guard turned on the Vanguard…
    And the old lefties are always shocked when the young lefties turn on them.

    The only thing more reliable than lefties turning on each other is for a leftie to scream “That wasn’t real socialism!” whenever you point out the historic failures of their philosophy.

    1. It will be interesting to see what happens. Sending the jackboots after the Che cosplayers would be a far more popular move with America while giving the Dems an excuse to go after the Republicans as well.
      Taking out the radicals on your own side to quiet the suspicions of the public is a classic power move- as both Hitler and Tojo can attest.

      1. Wheeler lacks the brains to think of that and the testicular fortitude to carry it out.

        Sadly, he was our least terrible option in the last election.

    2. It is fundamental to leftist thinking that they need to destroy. Alinsky yelled at one of his students once because that student thought gaining power was a stepping stone to implementing change. Alinsky reminded this student that getting into power was to be the one with the power. (Not sure about the details. Was several years since I read about that incident.)

      The goal of leftists is to be in charge, end of story. Destroying those in power is perhaps the fastest way to take that power. The problem is that all leftists want the same thing, to be the one in charge. Not you, them. They are willing to support you, right up to the point you gain the seat of power. Then you become the enemy.

      And, you must be destroyed.

      The best place to be as a leftist is the person leading the revolution. And, the longer that revolution lasts, the better. Rev. Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson learned that lesson, and profited wildly as a result. Joe Biden (and Ted Wheeler) did not learn that lesson in any way. Had Hillary won in 2016, she would have been taught the folly of her thinking.

  2. Asshole let the communists trash the city. Finally realized what he’d allowed to take over. Decides “I most do something! Maybe since I was tear-gassed with them they will deal with this calmly.”

    I generally do not wish for people to die. It would not trouble me if they did off him, as he damn well worked for it.

    And then we’d get to watch the communists on the city council excuse it.

  3. as of 3:00 AM EDST the Twitter post is still up, but now it is classified as sensitive content. Obviously Jack and his Twitter minions don’t think they have any enemies to the Left?

    Ish, I would strongly suggest relocation if at all possible. If not, make sure you have an E&E plan for you and yours.

  4. It’s been a year since we should have started dealing with these people in a more permanent way.

    I used to be borderline libertarian, after a year of this I would support anyone who gave Antifa free helicopter rides.

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