This is what going out to eat in Blue parts of America has become.

White silence is violence.

Conservative speech is violence.

Antifa/BLM violence is free speech.

If it weren’t for double standards they’d have no standards at all.

Also, real big tough guys there, standing over a woman, leaning into her and screaming into her face while she is sitting down.  Real manly-men they are.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Double standards on speech”
  1. It’s a commonality in these events, that the “mostly peaceful protesters” get belligerent and shout at whoever they perceive to be the weakest in the group.

    Usually that means a large 20-something male is shouting down women (especially moms with kids) and elderly ladies.

    I guess that’s one way to “courageously stand up to oppressors”. *headdesk*

    But it’s only a matter of time before the husband or father (or son, in the case of the elderly) has had enough.

    It’s also only a matter of time before a well-prepared woman has had enough and goes all Mama Bear “Don’t F@#$ With My Cubs!” on them.

    (On that thought, feminists take note: The mob doesn’t care about women. They are historically more belligerent toward females of all ages than males of any age. Whose side are you on?)

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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