Another “senseless murder” of a young black male by the racist Portland police… 2 years ago?

If you can flex the truth into a Narrative that can pay off, apparently it is OK to do so. Was Patrick Kimmons shot and killed by Portland Police? Yes and that is where they stop because the rest of the story is rather inconvenient.

Portland police Wednesday released video of the police shooting of Patrick Kimmons in downtown last month after a Multnomah County grand jury found no criminal wrongdoing by the two officers involved.

The grand jury met over two days and found the shooting by Sgt. Garry Britt and Officer Jeffrey Livingston was justified.

The officers said Kimmons, 27, was running toward them with a gun when they fired 12 shots. Kimmons was hit nine times and pronounced dead a short time later at OHSU Hospital, police said.

Police release videos of officers’ fatal shooting of Patrick Kimmons 

OK, running towards cops with a gun in you hand is bad enough, but the next question would be: Why did he have a gun in his hand to begin with?

Police said Kimmons fired five shots and wounded the two men who were fighting.
Police then saw Kimmons turn and run toward them holding a gun, according to investigators.

The other two men who were wounded, Dante Emanuel Hall, also known as Manny, and Marcell Branch, arrived in private cars at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center. Hall is a friend of Kimmons.

And here is the video:


Patrick Kimmons shot 2 guys and then took off running, gun in hand towards cops.  Explain to me in what kind of twisted mind the actions of the officers are in any way criminal?

I wonder what kind of monetary retribution is mom getting under the table or if there is/was a GoFundMe campaign.

Sorry, after Sabrina Fulton and the cult of Saint Trayvon, I have become a little skeptical of the true intentions of some “mothers.”


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Duplicating the Trayvon Gravy Train?”
  1. I don’t mean to sound racist or callous, but if black lives really mattered to BLM, they’d do a better job of supporting their own communities instead of rioting against police.

    They’d encourage families to stay together, instead of separating to qualify for benefits from, and if the families really needed the help, they’d be pushing to change the qualifications so intact families can receive benefits without having to estrange themselves.

    They’d encourage black men to contribute to their kids with more than child support payments — to become actual fathers instead of absentee “baby daddies”. I know the “deadbeat dad” is a stereotype and a cliche, but it wouldn’t be if there weren’t some truth to it.

    Instead of “defunding the police”, they’d be assisting police by identifying gangs and gang members so they can be taken off the streets and away from the kids (example: Portland’s Gang Enforcement Team was replaced by the Gun Violence Reduction Team — which shows the mayor’s priorities — but even that has now been disbanded entirely due to pressure from BLM; there are currently no dedicated teams to investigate gang activity or violence in Portland).

    There are plenty more items (these are just off the top of my head), but it tells me that despite the name, black lives don’t matter to BLM unless they can be leveraged for political gain. IOW, they’re blood dancers on par with Everytown and the Demanding Mommies.

  2. I’m curious, at what point does a GoFundMe me intersect with truth in advertising laws? It would be interesting to know.

  3. “He got a High School diploma and was taking a M-F welding degree and was almost there.” I don’t care if he had a PhD in microbiology and was working on a cure for cancer. If you shoot two people, and run at the police with a gun in your hand, the odds are better than 99% you’re going to end the day with more holes in your body than God originally put there.

    1. Yea, that’s just a variation of, “He had so much life ahead of him,” or, “He was just turning his life around.”

      If all that potential meant anything to him, he wouldn’t have pulled a gun, shot two guys, and then charged police. If you care about your future, you don’t do stupid s@#t to jeopardize your future!

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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