One Sci-Fi movie franchise I never got into was Resident Evil.  Naturally I should be into it, I like zombie movies and grew up with the video game.  I is just the plot of the movies made no sense to me.  Why would a company engineer an extinction level zombie virus and release it?  What is the purpose of destroying the world?

  1. Make T-virus and release it..
  2. Turn the world into zombies.
  3. Profit?

What is the point of being the wealthiest CEO on the planet if there are no mechanics left to fix your Lamborghini, Five Star restaurants left to make you steak, or pool boys left to clean your pool and satisfy your trophy wife?

I don’t get what the is the ultimate goal of all the destruction.

I feel the same way right now about politics.

So someone in the Obama administration got a FISA warrant to do some e-surveillance on Trump’s people.  There has been some discussion of “deep state” entrenched bureaucrats, left over from the Obama admin, going after Trump from inside the government.  Mark Levin was on Fox News listing all the MSM stories covering the Obama surveillance of Trump and his people.  Michael Moore (who is looking more and more like an old lesbian spinster) wants Obama holdovers to take down Trump.

Here’s the thing, let’s say it is all true.  Obama did spy on Trump and his people and install Obama agents in the government to take out Trump by collecting and leaking Trump info until his is impeached or resigns in shame.  What is the end game?

If you think the Dems hate Trump, they have to hate Pence more.  After Pence is Paul Ryan.  Republicans may think hes a RINO, but the Dems don’t like him either.  The line of succession doesn’t hit a Democrat until place No 8, and before that you have No. 6, James Mattis as an Independent (although I could have President Mad Dog Mattis).

Under no scenario is Trump replaces with Hillary or is a special election called to do that.

What are they trying to accomplish?  Simply destroying an Administration without a plan to replace it is insane.  If a bunch of Obama plants manage to take out an entire elected Administration, i.e., Trump and Pence, our government is over.  What is the point of an election if some entrenched bureaucrats can undo it?

Is the Dem plan is to take their ball and go home?  Because I can’t see this country holding together if one party’s ideology is “if we don’t win the election, we will destroy the stability of government.”

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “End Game”
  1. The target is the elections in 2020. They want the people to be so tired and sick of Trump that democrats can nominate Pennywise the Clown, all of Congress assured that they will win and then take over for good (read Constitutional Congress, etc)
    This model has worked like a charm south of the border in several Countries to institute Socialism/Communism.

  2. If they can keep the Trump administration distracted, nothing gets done to remove the Obama agenda. They do not have the power to stop anything so the Dems must keep everyone looking the other way and then “Trump was ineffective and got nothing done”. Delay and distract until they can try to reclaim their power. Any day the administration can stay focused on the agenda is a nightmare for the Dems.

  3. From what I just read, video game nerd but can’t play scary games alone, the t virus was created to be a weapon ala super soldier but less capt America more Venom with blood and guts for good measure

  4. Their end goal is taking the cold civil war hot.

    I’m not sure that’s their intentions, but that will be the result.

  5. As previously stated, logic need not apply. Why are the supposedly “civil liberties” folks rioting to stop others from peaceably assembling and freely speaking? Totalitarians want control, not liberty. They are too scared of independence (read Hoffer) so must retreat to the comfort of the group which does their thinking for them.

  6. Why do it?

    What happens when they get rid of Trump?

    Biggest thing, Trump is gone. It is back to the good old days and good ole boys can keep the graft and campaign contributions (BIRM) flowing. The borders will be open, the GOP failure theater can continue, and everybody in Washington DC can continue on the grand old gravy train.

    But, but, but what about Pence? Ryan? Hatch?

    They just watched their leader get destroyed. The guy that WON The Election. Despite the Democrats, Media, and the Republican Party too. They will get the message, shut up and play nice, or you are NEXT. Ryan, McConnell, and the RINOs will love it. They can go back to their comfortable lies and do nothing BS that they have been spewing since we gave them the US House in 2010, and the Senate in 2014. Back to 20 hour, three day work weeks and jetting home on Thursday afternoon, and returning Tuesday morning.

    Who cares if America goes down the drain? The Democrats and Republican “Leaders” will be living well till the day they die!

    The Tea Party was a very polite request that they listen to the People.
    Trump is the loud DEMAND that they listen to the People.

    If the Democrats and GOP Establishment succeed in destroying Trump, they will not like what comes next.

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