A week ago I posted about the sudden drop of marches and riots after it came out they were affecting negatively the Democrats according to polls. It has been a week and the traditional highly organized Antifa/BLM “block parties” are nowhere to be found.

I follow a couple of YouTube aggregators who do nothing else that collect streaming feeds from different sources and the only congregation of peoples trying to do BLM-ish stuff are at most a couple of dozen people per location just being an annoyance and little effective, In Rochester they seem to have tried to do a CHAZ takeover thing in front of City Hall, but they did not have enough protesters to cover one street block.

About the only exception had to do with the episode in Lancaster where initially  Lefty Social media reported the shooting of a poor unarmed black autist which drew somewhat violent protest by a scant few that quickly dissipated by the second day once the police video was released and the screen capture of a jumping & screaming man, knife in hand attacking the responded officer was released to the public.

Short of another shooting that is actually outrageous, I believe we have seen the last of the big organized Antifa/BLM till November. After that, my gut tells me they are gonna let the little barbarians loose to create havoc.

That might end up being called “The night the switch flipped.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Excuse me sir, have you seen a riot?”
  1. Whelp, in 100+ days of Burn Loot Murder, what has the movement accomplished or changed? Bupkis.
    Thanks for playin, see you in November.

    1. Listen to the Michael Bane podcast referenced here in a previous post. The last 4 months have been used as a way to “blood the troops.” They are now waiting for the next phase, and it will be an order of magnitude worse.

      1. Except their “troops” haven’t faced any real opposition. They’ve gone up against police who were ordered to treat them with kid’s gloves, and who have every reason to believe THEY would be up on charges if things got too sporty. Not even attempts of arson of occupied structures changed the policies letting the rioters, er, run riot.

        When it’s actually gone to gunfire their only “success” has been an ambush with superior numbers against an unprepared, unarmed target. One of them tried to shoot at a car going through one of their road blocks and shot two other rioters. One tried to threaten a driver going through a barricade and ended up dead. Kyle handed them their asses despite being outnumbered and attacked from behind.

        They’re simply NOT prepared to face actual opposition .

        Besides, when law enforcement is allowed to do their job, the street thugs fall apart. Their political sponsors had to beg to get the feds pulled out of Portland — and they’ve not attacked the federal courthouse since. Feds and locals shut down their operations in Kenosha, and locals alone dismantled their core in Lancaster — with a judge who had the brains to impose effective bail on violent offenders.

        Their shield wall drills wouldn’t last at Pennsic, let alone a real conflict. If SHTF, they will melt away — dead or cowed — because their well-practiced LARP tactics will be as effective as marching in formation was for the British at Lexington and Concord.

        1. Unfortunately, the truly hardcore are probably going to go on a Weather Underground style bombing campaign when the nightly street violence goes away. There’s enough people in these crowds that have now gotten a taste for blood…

    2. What has any protest, of any magnitude accomplished? Bupkis.

      Seriously. Either you already agree with the people waving signs in the street, or a bunch of people waving signs is not going to change your opinion. It is generally that simple.

      Has any protest in the last 50 years actually changed a single opinion?

  2. Portland has been under a thick blanket of smoke for the past week and a half, due to wildfires east of the city. Even here in my inner northeast neighborhood, we’re talking 100 yards or less visibility.

    The toxic air quality means that the crowds aren’t willing to gather to protest. Without the crowds to act as cover, the looters and arsonists can’t act without being readily identified.

    The rainy season should begin in late September, which will knock down the smoke and help the firefighters contain (and then extinguish) the fires… Which means that everyone should be rested and ready to riot on November 4th.

  3. I have every bit of confidence that the kids aren’t going to patiently wait until November, and doubly sure that a Biden victory won’t stop them from burning and looting.
    They’ve gotten a taste for it, and won’t give it up easily.

    I suspect that we’ll see another few rounds of burning & looting before the election, with another few rounds of loud virtue signaling from major sports figures.

    1. I remember the riots in Baltimore after the Super Bowl. Burning, looting, overturned cars … millions of dollars in damages.

      And that was after their team won.

      The way I see it, if Biden wins, there will be riots, and the damages will be off-the-charts.

      If Trump wins, the riots will be orders of magnitude worse. So much so that, as has been reported here, some on Biden’s side are already trying to extort votes with thinly-veiled threats — “Nice country you have here, shame if we had to burn it down because Trump won. Vote Biden.”

      Prepare accordingly.

      1. If Biden wins, the Democratic Party will have absolutely no problem at all in bringing down the jackboots on their own radicals- and the sycophantic media will praise them for their toughness. Even the currently sympathetic city officials in the most Left Socialist of People’s Democratic Republic cities will get the Hard Word from the top, and begin to talk about how the protestors have gone “too far”.

  4. Nashville’s embattled mayor is getting more embattled by the day. Watch for a flashpoint here, especially since the final Presidential Debate is theoretically scheduled to happen here

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