But Ms. Feinstein is arguing that her bill will do more than just prevent future gun deaths. She and others believe that lax firearms control has harmed the reputation of the U.S. among its international peers, many of which impose much harsher limits on who can own guns and what types are sold.

via Feinstein wants more ‘gun control’ to make dictatorships like us better – St. Louis gun rights | Examiner.com.

In 5 years time, Victoria’s Secret will come up with its new Burka line if we keep trying to be “friends” with every tip pot dictatorship and messed up country out there.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Feinstein wants more ‘gun control’ to make dictatorships like us better – St. Louis gun rights | Examiner.com”
  1. I don’ want them to die, I want them to move to those countries that they claim are better then us. Weather they die at that point is up to the dictator of those countries, and honestly does not concern me any longer.

  2. The US should really stop caring about what the world thinks, and concern itself with its citizens and allies (in that order). There’s no way to make everyone happy. So concentrate on those that matter. The rest can dry up and blow away.

  3. I guess she must really want to set up the next genocide by first disarming the citizens.

    Registration usually leads to confiscation which usually leads to tyranny at the minimum and on to genocide quite often. You would think the chilling examples of history would be enough for them to not go down that path.

    Molon Labe!
    Never Again! (…and to think I use that battle-cry and I’m not even Jewish…the irony)

  4. The problem is these people live in a fantasy land were socialism works, people obey laws, and a perfect plan will never have a wrench thrown in it. They ignore history because they can’t believe that those horrible things will ever happen again. They are not in touch with reality, try and have a rational talk with one of them sometime.

  5. She’s apparently bent on creating a whole new “criminal”, and in great numbers. What she doesn’t perceive, and she ignores at her peril, is that many of those “criminals” will become outright enemies.

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