No, this FEMA guy’s phonebook is filled with the contact information of local and state resources that can be called in an emergency. Those resources respond, tracking expenses and man hours used, and the FEMA guy then breaks out the checkbook to reimburse the states involved. The Governor doesn’t call out FEMA for shit. If you want to get technical, FEMA can’t do a thing unless the President tells them to. (Didn’t Trump catch hell for that recently?) FEMA’s largest contribution is writing the check to pay for it all.

FEMA isn’t magic – Area Ocho

Go read the whole thing and then pass it along to those with DeSantis Derangement Syndrome.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “FEMA isn’t magic – Divemedic”
  1. Yep, he did it from the medic side, my post was from the IC side. He’s ON THE MONEY, and much more current than my training was.

  2. The leftists believe the Government is some kind of benevolent demigod, capable to taking care of the nation, and healing all hurts.

    Conservatives know better, and realize there are limits to what FEMA (or any other agency) can do.

    When something like this happens, the two sides clash because the ones grounded in reality tell those idealists how it really works, and that ruins their idolatry.

    So, instead of acknowledging reality, they instead lash out at the people who are challenging their beliefs. We have seen this time and again in recent history, and every time, the hatred is directed at the conservative who is not playing along with the Government is God belief.

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