I am the Cautiously Optimistic one. And I say it because the numbers are showing a decrease in cases and deaths over a period of time.

New cases in the last 30 days.
All new cases by day. First case was on March 4.
Deaths by Day

The hard data is Deaths by Day and it shows our peak day being April 7.  We had a bad rebound on the 13th and then continued to drop.

According with the Presidential guidelines, if Florida continues to see that descent for another week, we should be able to start to reduce the pandemic restrictions or at least thinking really hard about it.

Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer, specially for our elderly in Assisted Living Facilities as they are the fish in the barrel for Wuhan V.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Florida and the Wuhan Virus: Cautiously Optimistic.”
  1. Excellent news.

    However, I would like to be a bit of an ass here and point out that influenza still remains a worse killer. Per the CDC, FL had an estimated 3091 flu deaths during the 2017 flu season.

    This comparison is something I am sending to all of my representatives in both the city and state governments. If you are going to lock down the population, businesses, and parks/city facilities for a disease that causes 20% of the deaths of influenza, I want them to do the same thing every flu season. No, in fact, I demand they do so.

    Either that, or they can admit they were a bunch of fools, who turned into petty tyrants at the first chance they could.

  2. There are fewer positives, but that is because there are less people being tested. The positive rate has held steady at right around 11 percent. Check my blog for more.

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