Imagine you’re a fully-armed Adam Putnam, Florida’s current Agriculture Commissioner and a strong contender for governor, where do you go out to eat? Well, for starters you tell your staff to take you to a place where you can pack heat and simultaneously eat meat. Yesterday, Putnam, who isn’t shy about clearing the way for open carry in Florida, posted a photo to Instagram of a sign reading “You pack the heat, we cook the meat,” with the caption “My kind of place.”
Putnam, you bad boy.

Source: Florida GOP candidate Adam Putnam wants you to know he prefers to pack heat while eating meat | Blogs

There is no doubt that Putnam has been saying the right things and making the right noises to Gun Rights Advocates. And although I don’t know where the guy really stands plus being wary of the GOP legislature this season, I am tickled pink that the Opposition is just Trump-hating this guy already. Maybe we should coin the phrase Trump Electoral Effect as a political version of the Streisand Effect: The more the Media and the Left hates on a politician, the bigger the chance of getting him elected.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Florida GOP candidate Adam Putnam making the left nervous.”
  1. I like the hurricane evacuation sign, too.
    As a former Floridian (but no relation to Florida Man), I appreciate Florida humor. (Assuming it’s humor, that is.)

  2. I’ve reached the point where I’m backing the candidate who has all the right enemies, such as: MSM, GOPe, Democrats, etc.

    Which is why I plan on donating to Kid Rock’s campaign. Not a conservative, but the establishment hates Kid Rock and Kid Rock is not Stabenow.

    Good enough for me.

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