First things first: Once again congratulations to the Wyoming Antelope Club for a fantastic Florida State Match. They announced that the 2012 match will again be held by them (save another club that really wants to do it) and they have my blessings and support.

Next is the pre-announcement of the Florida Triple Crown. Three sanctioned matches to be held at Frank Garcia’s Universal Shooting Academy every year. The motive behind it is that there is a huge number of IDPA shooters in Florida, specially in the lower half that are condemned to either not shoot other sanctioned matches or spend a boatload of money traveling to parts north. What might constitute a short or mid drive for shooters in other states to attend more than one sanctined match, for us is long no matter what.

I heard the very sexy rumor that they want to make one of the matches a low-light/no-light match since the Universal Shooting Academy has no problem with neighbors…. there aren’t any. If the logistics get squared away, this would be a match for the ages: shooting at night at one of the best ranges in the country. WIN!

A website will be created with more info and I’ll let you guys know when is up and running. Keep your fingers crossed!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.