This is how bad Biden has been for the United States in only the first 24 hours at his job.

Media: “Trump is a tantruming baby who’s ruining our relationships with our allies.”

Reality: The US’s closest trading partner wants to go to war with us after Biden’s first day in office.

Since we’re repeating the worst days of history, if the Canadians want to repeat late August of 1814, I’m not totally opposed to that.  Just spare the Smithsonian Air and Space, and Natural History museums.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “For all those who said Biden will be a return to good international diplomacy”
  1. Trump — four years, net wars are a negative number. He’d have ended more if the Pentagon brass weren’t seditious.

    Biden — day one, nearly starts a war with the neighboring country we’ve been peaceful allies with for about 200 years.

  2. So far PedoJoe’s managed to piss off Israel, Canada, the unions, and the military. All in two days.

    But at least they got rid of Trump.

  3. It is not exactly about diplomacy. It is about different supplier. MIC prefers their oil bloody – and ME is just the place to get that.

    First day – Biden closes keystone and marches into Syria

    P. S. And of course the Buffet’s and Gates’ profits from continuing transporting canadian oil to US on their rail roads are just the cherry on top

  4. I’m calling BS. The pipeline loss will hurt Alberta and Saskatchewan. Turdeau never wanted it built and tried to block it, so this is a boon for him. Plus it hurts the two provinces that don’t vote for him.

    Now i can’t see either of the Premieres of those provinces calling for a war with the US. It would be bad for business. I could see calls for economic sanctions. No other province would care about the loss.

    My suspicion is this leak is a hit piece by Turdeau’s paid for propoganda ministry. Without naming names that could get them sued, the public in most of the country will come away with the impression that the AB and SK Premiers are unstable.


  5. It has nothing to do with diplomacy, energy, war, etc… NONE of that.

    President Trump wanted to get the Keystone pipeline built, campaigned on that front, and made it happen. Therefore, Biden has to erase that part of his legacy, regardless of the cost.

    Same thing with the border wall, peace in the mideast, etc…

    Every single one of the actions he took on his first day in office had a singular goal. Erase any gains Trump had.

    1. Mutually beneficial business deals is part of diplomacy. So is playing to your base. Trump’s base happened to also be happy with mutually beneficial business deals, so he didn’t have to weigh the cost/benefit. Biden’s base hate everything that makes America great, so he has to pick between playing to his base and doing things that make people happy.

  6. Gotta hand it to Joe.

    (A) he’s certainly proving Mr. Obama correct.

    (B) cannot say he didn’t accomplish anything! (Although, generally, we desire *good* accomplishments from our president-elect…)

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