I always love the way progressives claim to be in favor of strong women but love to call them stupid
VPC women Stupid

The article from ThinkProgress (Irony right there) states:

Two-thirds of women who own guns purchased them “primarily for protection against crime,” but studies have found that a gun in the home is associated with a higher risk for intimate partner violence and murder, particularly for women.

What comes after is the well-known stats on violence against women, except ThinkProgress fails to mention that the violence was applied against unarmed women by armed or stronger males. Notice that they never said ” X% of women who bought guns for self- protection were killed by that gun or were never able to use it to defend themselves.”  They are not outright lying, but they are not being quite candid on their manipulation of the presented factoids and how they relate to the original statement. And they can’t say it outright because there is no study and the information available through news items show exactly the opposite: An armed woman ceases to be a victim and the aggressor tends to assume room temperature.

Remember, these are the same people who blame abused women for the passing of Stand Your Ground laws.

abused woman gun control


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “For the Violence Policy Center, Women are too stupid.”
  1. I wonder if…

    Aggressive and violent men tend to hook up with women who are afraid of weapons, and as a result the man is stronger and/or armed while the woman is weaker…

    There is a high incidence of women who are abused to the degree that they break down and buy a weapon out of fear for their lives.

    Both would tend to increase the “battered women with a weapon in the home” number, even if the second case is going to very soon cease being battered.

    “Foolish men prefer weaker women.”
    -Holo the Wise Wolf, Spice and Wolf

  2. Women are also the fastest growing demographic of new gun owners.

    VPC just gave their explanation of why: They’re stupid.

    That’s some galactically-epic level of contempt right there!

  3. “Aggressive and violent men”
    I think you need to change that from men to cowards. but otherwise, it sounds like a reasonable hypothesis.

    1. Aggressive and violent individuals of the human species who are endowed with a Y chromisome and/or largely external reproductive organs.

      But yes, you’re right. A real man always treats women with respect, even if he doesn’t respect women.

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