Seen on Twitter:

Go into this thread and you will see a lot of radical Leftists talking about using guns for a socialist revolution.

Fine. They have a Second Amendment right.

But if the Left is arming up to exterminate me, I want heavier ordnance.

I want belt fed, HE, and God damn artillery.

When the mob comes I want more than to stand there with my AR-15.  I want to rain 155mm on them like I’m advancing on the German lined in 1916.


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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “Forget AR-15s, I want to start stockpiling M203 and Carl Gustafs”
  1. Get your 07 manufacturing FFL and an SOT-special occupation tax paperwork. Then you can build dealer samples of anything mag or belt fed

    1. How hard is that and how many of your rights do you have to give up to get that paperwork? I vaguely remember hearing something about “inspections (i.e. “search”) at any time”.

  2. Drones with a payload would be cheaper than a Carl Gustav round I think. That being said a blackpowder cannon loaded with grapeshot or chained rounds would handle most mobs and no paperwork is required. Need more shots get a few more cannons, these are also handy on the 4th for proving who can be the loudest neighbor.

    Also flame throwers don’t currently require licensing and would prove quite the intimidation value.

    1. I remember reading about a guy in AK who built a muzzleloader that fires bowling balls. A chunk of well casing and a piece of steel plate were the ingredients, I believe, plus sufficiently high welding skills. As you said, muzzle loader, no paperwork, no caliber limitations. 🙂

      1. Well casing is pretty thin to use alone to build a cannon, might be useful for making a mortar by using it for a liner encased in concrete. I guess it could make a black power 0-2 gauge punt gun as well.

    2. “Drones with a payload would be cheaper than a Carl Gustav round I think.”

      Not really, a 84mm recoilless rifle round is around $500-3000+ according to what I could find.

      A decent quadcopter “drone” is at least $200-300+ for a decent reliable one.

      Now you need to engineer a suitable payload that will function only when you want/need it to. 😀

  3. J, you really don’t want a 155mm or m203 (using the current ammo).

    I’ll address the 155mm first, I got a one word answer for you.


    Yep, 60mm and 81mm mortars are what you need to do what you want.

    They have a nice minimum range of 76yds to around 3,300 – 7100+yds.

    And the ammo is cheap too, less than $6 for a 81mm M82 HE round.

    And now, the current m203 ammunition is more fuse then explosive. Most of the AAR from guys that have experience in the field is that they aren’t worth the weight to carry them for the effect you have on your target.

    1. “And now, the current m203 ammunition is more fuse then explosive. Most of the AAR from guys that have experience in the field is that they aren’t worth the weight to carry them for the effect you have on your target.” that is what happens when you try to dummy proof a old round designed with a simple contact fuse and a lot of explosive by putting in a fuse that has a minimum arming distance.
      That being said there is nothing like a mk19 for clearing open fields.

  4. “Fine. They have a Second Amendment right.”

    I disagree, they are Enemies of the Republic at the very least, and ….

    In my view, They are Terrorists, in the legal definition.
    They have No Rights

    There only “right” imo, thrown into the pig pen to fatten the hogs.

    1. Damn – wanted to write “Hey Miguel and J.Kb” but somehow I can’t edit the post.
      Well – “to whom it may concern”.
      Which also is the motto for the gun if you load grapeshot.

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