It is June.

June is pride month.

We are all compelled to acknowledge the revered victim status of the sexually diverse.

What does that mean for you in this holiest of months?  What are you going to give up to atone for your sins of heterosexuality?


Thou shall not dine upon the most succulent of chicken sandwiches and wafflest of fries during the sacred month of Pride.

Poor Jack Dorsey of Twitter was not sufficiently woke and strayed from the path and was found out.

And for his transgression he must be harangued on his own platform.

Maybe Jack will be able to redeem himself by buying an indulgence from our sodomite betters.

But he should not be castigated too seriously.  Those evil Christians with their delicious sauces, polite employees, and sparingly clean restrooms tempted him to sin.  Much like when the serpent mansplained about the tree of knowledge and  #MeToo her into eating it.

Really, Chick-fil-a should be shut down during the month of June.

If you think you can force someone to make you food you do want, than you should be able to stop people from serving food you don’t want.





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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Forgive me Hate Mob, for I have sinned”
  1. Sorry, I missed the memo.

    I should stop being Christian during Ramadan?

    Will the muslims stop following their religion during Lent?

    1. There are only three acceptable religious choices in America:

      1) Obnoxious dick-bag atheist
      2) Muslim
      3) Woke SJW Muslim apologist

      You should just stop being Christian, like all the time.

      I can still be Jewish, as long as I’m dead.

    2. Great point. I believe the answer to that question would be that a group of the tolerant Muslims would simply throw two gay people off of a tall structure instead of stone them to death.

  2. You cannot claim to care about gays and tolerate Islam. Islam doesn’t distinguish between the sin and the sinner — they both go off the roof or have a wall pushed over on them.

  3. Just to further trigger progtard snowflake meltdowns, we’ll be going to Chik-fil-a for lunch and/or dinner, everyday all month, and posting pics of the receipts on the Twatter. 😉 It will be glorious to watch progtards lose it. 😀

  4. Great. Now I’m hungry and the nearest Chick-Fil-A is … let’s see now … (tap tap tap) 40 miles away.

    Wait … that means … *Gasp!* Google Maps is an evil Christian chicken meal finding enabler…!

    1. I got one a mile away, but I’m trying a low-card diet. The grilled chicken bits are the only thing on their menu I can eat. 🙁

      1. Stop that low carb crap. Screwing with your body chemistry to shed a pound or two is bad news. Besides, after the initial keto shock thing is over, the diet turns into limit calories and increase exercise. Just like every other diet out there.

  5. If I was on Twitter’s board of directors I’d be looking askance at Dorsey right now. My CEO, who gets paid 8 or 9 digits a year, publicly apologizing… over his choice in fast food, of all things? If he’s that much of a jellyfish over something so small, how can I believe he’s going to earn his pay when the company faces a challenge?

    1. Remember that a lot of high tech companies are controlled by their founders, because of unequal voting rights on the various types of stock. Some have gone as far as to IPO with stock that has zero voting rights, and suckers actually bought those shares.
      So chances are that he’s holding on to his job because no one has the power to kick him out. He answers to the board but he owns the board…

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