We are almost in July, but for some reason the Left seems to suddenly be having a birthing of brick through their rectum about a video by Dana Leoesch back in April.

Ms Loesch is quite a personality. Shannon (Hillary 2.0) Watts is scared “poopless” of her to the point I believe the body guards are to keep her safe from debating her and Dana has requested plenty times after Shannon wrongly accused her to be a paid spokesperson for a gun company.

Beta Males will only cuss her at a distance because you simply don’t screw around with a woman who can outshoot every single male idol they have and then some. So basically don’t mess with Dana.

So an individual under the name of Sally Khon apparently just took offense on Dana’s video:

Apparently she is some sort of public personality that thinks she is important becaise she is lesbian and not because she is good at what her profession.

Dear Sally: We really don’t give a crap what you think. We might be FlyOver Country, but we can discern between the peaceful assembly & redressing grievances and breaking shit,  setting stuff on fire and assaulting with deadly weapons those who you wish to keep silent.

I know. The game has been played with your side having a set of rules with extreme latitude and no fears of reprisal and our side being polite and restricting ourselves to very moderate and non-violent responses.

Guess what? We might have just decided to play by your rules just to make it fun.  Since you are saying that the First Amendment is really breaking shit,  setting stuff on fire and assaulting with deadly weapons, let us show you how good our side can be at exercising that right.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Freedom of Speech: I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.”
  1. Hmm

    American political discourse, with a few exceptions, has always been been with people using words to conduct debate and argument; those people have usually been in basic agreement about the character and nature of the American polity-debate has been primarily about policy choices and desired results.

    Not so the modern antfa Left-they want to destroy the American polity and replace it with something “Marxist-Euro-French”.

    I was recently accused of the offense of “violent micro aggression” merely by citing the writings of the Founding Fathers. Apparently, vigorous debate is, to the Left, “violence.” Also the Left seems then to feel justified to meet my “violence”, i.e. My words , which refute their position, with potentially REAL violence.

    I do not think they understand. They are used to people they attack merely rolling over. I don’t believe these Leftist-Fascists fully grasp the risks they potentially bring upon themselves- That if they bring “violence” to the game, our side is much better armed and trained.

    1. So far as I know the regressives haven’t yet left the security of their govt mandated victim disarmament zones from which they attack their opponents. I agree that once they venture out into fly-over country it will turn into a much different result. The lying media will do their best to cover for them though, so any “first responder” to their violence had better have his own video photographer handy to refute their lies or he is going to get the Zimmerman treatment.

    1. I’ve said it before, bullies confuse a reasoned peaceful approach as weakness or cowardice, then are surprised at the inevitable response. This is true on the schoolyard, the mean streets or in international affairs.

  2. Notice how every one of the know-it-all leftists like Sally always have that smug, condescending look on their profile pictures or while on TV “debating” anyone who’s not them? It makes me want to be there whenever their perfect little world shatters and they’re faced with the cold, unforgiving reality of truth. The looks on their faces will almost be worth having to put up with them.

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