I was thinking about Portland and how eventually we’re going to have to deal with Antifa and it got me thinking about one of the manliest scenes in movie history.

Eight minutes of John Rambo killing Burmese Communists with a 50 cal.

That’s it.  No dialog.  No subtlety or nuance.

Just a muscled up American veteran turning third-world commies into chunks with John Moses Browning’s greatest invention for eight straight minutes.



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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Friday entertainment”
  1. Re the earlier post on Portland, given how Antifa is presenting itself, it would now take more than an individual armed citizen to successfully survive an adverse interaction.

    It has, of course, been incrementally building to this point for the last year, with Antifa gradually getting bolder and concurrently better equipped.

    This is why a society needs to have a hard line beyond which things are not tolerated. Otherwise, really, there is no line and we eventually wind up with, well, Portland.

    1. Matthew Bracken covers this well in “When the music stops”, an essay you can find in his “Bracken anthology”.

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