By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Friday Funnies”
  1. O.K., I get the harmonica thing, but I can’t tell where in the engine compartment it was mounted. Is the fan blowing through it? Inquiring minds want to know enough to perpetrate the hack….

  2. Yeah, was thinking the same thing Ivan. Looks like from the coolant hose its strapped behind the radiator core out of the swept area of the fan.
    A 65 mph air stream, stacking up in front of a vehicle, funneled into a Venturi by the airflow design of most modern vehicle grills, then forced into the open area between the tube and fins on the radiator core would do the trick.
    Don’t know how much volume and velocity a person has to produce to activate the reeds of a mouth harp, but giving it a good think 65 miles per hour seems reasonable.

  3. How many years has it been since pedo=wood produced a major film with 3 White Men as the central characters?
    An entire generation?

    A friend and I where living on Martha’s Vineyard during its filming, we earned beer and fish bait money as extras in the beach scene when everyones runs out of the water. Recalling that time seems like I lived on another planet.

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