So, we had us a regular senior-behind-the-wheel moment with tragic consequences and not the attempt on the life of a Democrat congresswoman as the Narrative initially tried to push.


And just a reminder that Democrats are the ones with a long history of going after elected officials, just ask Lincoln and Steve Scalesi.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Ft Lauderdale Gay Parade: FLPD speaks.”
  1. Ok, guess what? I had a 67 Chevy Malibu that did the same thing. More than once.
    A quick throw of the transmission into neutral, and braking, solved the problem. It was intermittent. After the third time, took it to the shop, and it turned out to be a busted motor mount, on the 283 V8. The operating rod for the throttle got caught in the mechanism when the engine rolled too far over. Fixing the motor mount fixed the problem. I can see where a 77 year old man might not have quick thinking and reflexes to throw the gear into neutral and hit the brake.

    Very sad for the victims.

    But they should have had a driver other than the man with known physical problems behind the wheel.

    1. “A quick throw of the transmission into neutral, and braking, solved the problem. It was intermittent. “

      Sorry. You learned to drive before automation reduced a human’s ability to react to a real life situation on the road. The overwhelming majority of people driving either never learned those skills, or have lost them because cars are doing it all. (Why bother checking blind spots??? The car will beep at me if there is a car there.)

      Had a co-worker with a mid 90s Honda (fly by wire at that point) drive full speed into a dumpster and subsequently a wall. All because the sensor/control system malfunctioned. I never found out why his car went for idle to full acceleration, but it did. And, the fact that he never had a throttle get stuck before he had ZERO idea what to do. The good news is he survived without injury, the bad news is the car did not, the ugly news is the dumpster was a total loss.

  2. But,but, the narrative. How can it not be a white supremacist? The narrative says all the terrible terrorist things done in the U.S. are done by white supremacists.

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