The Economy of a country is propped up in the trust people have for it. The one thing that will bring an economy down, faster than a speeding bullet, is create the conditions to have people run to the banks in fear to remove their money. I saw this at least twice in Venezuela and even with the gush of oil money coming in, the country never recovered.

Enter the Biden Socialists:

A top health adviser to President-elect Joe Biden suggested that the nation is well-positioned financially to withstand a lockdown of more than a month in an effort to get the coronavirus pandemic under control.

“When you look at the personal savings rate in this country, it’s now gone from about 8 percent to over 22 percent. We have a big pool of money out there that we could borrow. The historic low interest rates by the federal government, we could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers, for our losses to small companies to medium sized companies, for city states, county governments. We could do all of that,” said Michael Osterholm during a live event this week with Yahoo News.

Biden COVID-19 adviser floats plan to pay for national lockdown lasting up to six weeks

So not only they want to shut down the whole country for six weeks, they will steal our money to pay us for the benefit of house prison while murdering whatever little economy we may have left after Inauguration. The moment this becomes official or at least is main news of incoming events, people will trample themselves to the banks to remove whatever they have and depending on the amounts, either put it under the mattress or sending it to some tropical island with secretive banking laws.  And after that, we will enjoy the beauty of hyper-inflation and eventually exotic menus.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Get ready for the economic collapse to fight Covid.”
  1. Just a side comment, the linked article is from November.

    Doesn’t mean they won’t do it, of course, but in the time since it hasn’t gone mainstream.

    Of course, talk of confiscation by the government, of guns, gold, money, land or what have you, is usually not received well, so it’s usually not floated too loudly before enacting it.

  2. Modern Monetary Theory. The government can never run out of money, they can print as much as they want. Then they tax the hell out of everything to crank that money back in. And they think it won’t cause inflation.

    The thought experiment I like to use is to say, “imagine you can take a pen and mark an extra zero on every bill in your wallet. Every $1 bill becomes a $10 bill. You have ten times as much money! Now imagine everyone does that. You’re not 10x richer than your friends, you’re exactly where you were compared to them. And the prices go up 10x, too. Are you better off? Your wealth is exactly what it was. You just count bigger numbers.”

  3. I think it’s more about forcing a Venezuelan type collapse. Wipe out the middle class then all you are left with is politicians, tech billionaires, and surfs who will do anything for meager wages.

  4. If lockdowns work, then why didnt the lockdown work? I dont believe Biden has the brains or the desire to ask such a simple question.

    1. Work to do what? “Stop the spread” or something else? Because the lockdown sure did accomplish other things.

  5. I think they might actually be planning to reverse course, judging from some of the things I’ve seen. Relax the lockdowns, let the economy regain its feet, and credit Bidenharris with the results.

    Politics is all well and good, but if the economy craters while Bidenharris is in office, it’ll make 1/6 looks like a schoolyard punch-up by comparison.

  6. Toastrider is probably not far off with that prediction.

    I have been saying for a while now that the bad news about COVID will dry up within days of the inauguration. Not that the virus will not be spreading, sickening, and killing people, but the news will not be putting it front page above the fold.

    Remember how during the Bush administration every day the WaPo, NYTs, UselessATodays, etc… showed pictures or counts of the servicemen injured or killed in Iraq/Afghanistan? Every day a new count. Then on Jan 21, 2009… nothing.

    I see the same thing happening here. The narrative MUST be Biden did what Trump could not do.

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