In about a week, I’ll be packing my range bag, ammo and assorted gear to leave early in the morning for Clearwater to shoot the 2011 IDPA Florida State Championship at the Wyoming Antelope Club.  The Missus will be coming along as it appears I cannot fend for myself alone in the wilderness. How I was able to survive before I got married remains a mystery never to be solved, but I admit at going to Europe once without underwear or socks and not on purpose.

The Wyoming Antelope Club in Clearwater is an awesome club and not because of the facilities which they have worked hard, but for the people that run the matches there. Friendly and organized will beat anything else out there. That they also have a clubhouse that serves alcohol after the match of the day is done, only helps the friendly atmosphere. But then again I wouldn’t know since I became a teetotaler after I got married also.

Whatever your shooting sport might be, I urge you to attend a state/regional/whatever match. Besides being fun, you get to know fellow shooters from other parts and even rub elbows with the great shooters. A couple of years ago, our squad got the chance to shoot alongside Super Dave Harrington and he was a veritable fountain of tips and overall help to all the shooters. I was happy that he did not kick my ass for giving him a procedural the year before at the Carolina Cup!

My intention is to have fun, spend time with the wife and not to be dead last in SSP SS.  If you go to a match of this kind, please take the time to thank and shake the hands of as many of the Safety Officers, organizers, Score Personnel and helpers that make the match happen. Having been in that side, I can tell you they never truly enjoy the shooting and their reward is the satisfaction of the shooters that attended the match.

If you happen to attend or drop by the 2011 IDPA Florida State Championship , I’ll be in Squad 3 with the bunch of foreigners and dragging a green “tactical” wagon and being screamed at by a petite blond.  Look for the MHI patch on the front of the vest.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Getting ready for the 2011 IDPA Florida State Championship”
  1. I have to agree that WAC puts on a great match with some very challenging stages (that darn HoneyBunny). It is truly a civilized club with that great bar.

    P. S. Does the little blonde read your blog?

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