I know, I know. I haven’t done the Ham Radio License thing yet. My fault, life got in the way.

But I am going to step up with one of this two radios: The Midland MXT115 or the Midland MXT275.  GMRS, 50 miles range on flat areas, 5 to 10 miles in urban areas, 15 watt output and 8 preprogrammed repeater channels (There are two repeaters nearby) for $150? Both cost the same.

MXT115 on the left, MXT275 on the right


What attracts me is that they come ready to use, you just need a 12 DC cigarette lighter plug and that is it.

It is plug and play. I can take it with me in my truck or leave it home and plug it with my Disaster Battery Box.

Do remember you need an FCC license to operate GMRS radios, but you can get one online without need to take a test. And the best thing is your whole family is covered under the same $70,  10 years license.

I think I am going to go with the simple MXT115 because me being me. I will probably knock the crap out of the mike and I am guessing this one is a cheaper replacement that the 275.

Hurricane season is coming and we need to start the preps. As soon as some extra cash comes in, I will go for this sucker.

PS: there is still another model: MXT400. It also a GMRS  radio boasting 40 Watts, and up to 65 Mile range for $249, but it is not Plug And Play.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Going to upgrade my radio set up.”
  1. Please let us know which you end up getting and how it is. Very interested in this and its rather multipurpose now a days.

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