Trump to sign order in Ohio requiring government to buy ‘essential’ drugs from U.S. companies

Yes.  Fuck yes.  This all the way.

President Donald Trump travels Thursday to the swing state of Ohio to sign an executive order requiring the federal government to purchase certain drugs from U.S. manufacturers rather than from overseas companies.

The order, which Trump will sign at Whirlpool Corp.’s manufacturing plant in Clyde in the northern part of the state, instructs the government to develop a list of “essential” medicines and then buy them and other medical supplies from U.S. manufacturers instead of from companies around the world.

The White House says the order will protect the nation’s drug supply and ensure Americans have access to the essential medicines and other medical supplies. 

Navarro said the order “establishes Buy American rules for our government agencies, strips away regulatory barriers to domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing” and serves as a catalyst for manufacturing technologies needed to keep drug prices low and medicine production onshore.

Yes, absolutely. This is needed and a fantastic idea.

Let’s make vital drugs in America again and if the Federal government is buying drugs with my tax dollars I want those tax dollars going to American workers.

This is great.

We need more of this.  Computer hardware should be next.

Trump should campaign on this, hard.

American jobs, drugs made in America, no more dependence on Chinese antibiotics.

Better than good Trump.  Great Trump.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Great Trump!”
  1. Gotta hand it to Trump. He does love this Country, and he always puts it first. That is a very refreshing change from the rest of the batch of DC politicians.

  2. I don’t know if you saw it, but Trump also fired the head of the TVA because he laid off all the IT workers and replaced them with foreign IT Staff. Earlier this year, he put a pause on all H1-B visa applications.

    Disney blazed the trail on that particular corporate mindset, giving long-time employees a choice between training their own replacements or getting their full pensions.

    1. Disney didn’t start it — they were actually behind the curve. First place I worked after college (mid 90’s) did the “interview for your own job” outsourcing game. In one case they “kept” an employee but moved their spouse’s job to Arkansas — this was in Detroit.

  3. Problem is when the law says you must buy from US companies, with NO price controls or discounted pricing, the cost of drugs will go up and up for the Gov’t. It will be much like the college costs.

    1. Why would it? You’re assuming a supplier with monopoly, but why would that be the case?
      There might be a price increase due to higher cost of production, but competition — assuming the government doesn’t prevent it by illegal regulations — would take care of the price control.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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