CSGV Guns and Learning

The article is just another one in the long line of “ZOMG! Guns in Campus will Curtail (fill the blank)!” I did find out this particular part funny:

In my case, the issue is moot: If this bill is signed into law, I will no longer conduct office hours without a campus police officer present, even at the cost of compromising the student-professor relationship. I do not flatter myself that I am an extraordinarily empathetic person, but in some cases I am the only adult in whom a student can or will confide. I keep my students’ secrets under lock and key, which would no longer be possible under this law.

Remember, these are the people who keep telling us we don’t need guns because we can solve any problem by talking and assorted exercises in conflict-resolution. But suddenly and the imaginary threat of somebody legally carrying a concealed weapon, they have the urgent need to have somebody with a gun backing them up.

But back to the point I wanted to make: Guns and Learning Don’t Mix. 

Damn it! It is such a beautiful and minimalist explanation to Gun Control movements: Ignorance is the best weapon. Don’t tell the truth. Don’t allow people to learn about guns. Don’t allow anybody (specially kids) to be safe around guns. Shut Gun Rights activists down. Ban the NRA. Prosecute Gun Owners because they are Gun Owners and not because real crimes have been committed, don’t learn about Due Process.

“Listen to me. I hold all the ‘truth.’ Accept no other views.”

I am going to abuse the hell out of this headline and mix it with my traditional tag..

If your cause is righteous, why lie?
Because Guns and Learning Don’t Mix.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Gun Control summarized in one short headline.”
  1. Just for fun, I went to their facebook page and read some of the comments on the different articles. It amazes me how stupid some people really are. Our once great country is just a shadow of it’s former self.

    I’m banned from commenting and have been for several years. I guess they didn’t like my opinion. 🙂

  2. Gun banners and gun haters are hypocrites. They profess to hate guns, yet surround themselves with ARMED SECURITY.

  3. “Ignorance is the best weapon. Don’t tell the truth. Don’t allow people to learn about guns. Don’t allow anybody (specially kids) to be safe around guns. Shut Gun Rights activists down. Ban the NRA. Prosecute Gun Owners because they are Gun Owners and not because real crimes have been committed, don’t learn about Due Process.”

    Curiously, the folks that say that kind of stuff are generally the liberals that demand that children in grade school get sex ed, get taught how to properly use a condom, get educated on LGBT… issues, etc… And, why do they get this information? Because the “educators” know the kids will encounter these issues sometime in their lives, and early and regular education is the best way to be sure the kids are not adversely effected by it.

    And, for some reason, they cannot grasp the concept that pretending that guns do not exist is actually damaging to the kids.

    1. Great point! I am going to use that point in discussion from now on! Really good logic, which sadly is exactly why it won’t be grasped by liberals. I expect blank stares when I use your analogy, similar to the ones I already get when I ask: “If families of victims of gun violence can sue manufacturers and retailers of guns, can families of victims of DUI accidents sue vehicle and alcohol manufacturers and retailers? Where does it end? What if it was a kitchen knife? Can the manufacturer and retailer be sued? Why would it end with guns? Very dangerous precedent we are talking about.” Like I said….blank stares.

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