I had been out most of the morning doing some grocery shopping at the Big Box Di count Club as per the missus’ instructions and I also went ahead and did a couple of other errands. I decided to change my regular cap and wear one that, as I was told,  may attract verbal attacks and possibly even physical violence because it represents hate and death. A Confederate Flag colors? KKK? Nazi patch? Nope:

So, either Miami Dade County is full of great poker players, or nobody got the memo that I was supposed to be tarred and feathered, cops called and taken out-of-town on a rail. There was no reaction at my hat that I could see and I was paying attention most of the time.

However, that does not mean that there is a group of dedicated idiots that will not rest till we are eliminated from the political structure of our country. And if it takes filling abandoned mines with the bodies, so be it.

But as for a majority of Americans hating/disliking the NRA? I can say that my little slice of the Sunshine State does not seem to care much for that.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on ““Hate the NRA” : Message appears to have not been received.”
  1. You need to go to Aventura, Wynwood, Miami Beach or maybe Broward County, that will get you a reaction!

  2. The elites in their bubble think that everyone thinks like they do…in reality America thinks like We the people.
    Nice pic Sir. Reminds me I gotta find my nra belt buckles, cant wear a hat at work..

  3. Gonna go over to Cabellas and buy the scariest t-shirt they have. Won’t be a problem in the country of Texas. If it is, well….. I ‘ll give them the greeting of the day……

    1. One of my co-workers liked to wear a “celebrate diversity” T-shirt. Diversity as in 20 different pictures of 20 different guns… He never got any pushback that I know of, even though we have a disarmed victim office.

  4. I’ve been doing the same thing. Only overt reaction I’ve gotten is one man who came up to me with a big grin and his hand held out, saying he always wanted to shake hands with a terrorist;). Then we had a nice conversation about fly tying. Make NRA hats normal again.

  5. Miguel is simply displaying the deep denial implicit in gun ownership.

    Despite being tarred, feathered and lynched he continues on his day like nothing is happening to him.

  6. I love the sly sarcasm. All over north Texas, I have seen no reduction in pickup trucks with NRA bumper stickers but I have seen some obviously NEW ones. People taking sides- our side. stickers- Yesterday in Dallas I even saw a shiny new Tesla with a shiny new NRA sticker.

    “Kill the NRA”? Just how do they propose to do that?

    We are the 6 million people with Evil Black Rifles.

  7. Miguel. Looking Good! I have an NRA volunteer hat that I have started wearing everywhere I go. The only comment I received was when I was pumping gas one day, and another guy pumping gas said, “You just keep on wearing that hat. I like it.” I thanked him and said, “If it gives some snowflakes the vapors, so much the better.” 🙂

  8. My story is similar. I was wearing my NRA jacket coming out of the post office, and a little old lady coming in pointed at the logo and smiled a huge smile. “NRA!” She said, And then patted my arm. Made me warm inside, like she was my dear departed granny.

  9. Similar stories to report here in Western New York State. I’ve seen more NRA hats and stickers, but to be fair, I might also be looking more. I have an NRA Endowment sticker on my truck, and no one has vandalized it or confronted me.

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