Go this building in New York and confront the One Percenters coming in an out.

They are easy to recognize. They all wear a leather vest with a patch like this:

Take your Alternative Lifestyle Partner who works for PETA and let him confront them about their inhumane use of leather products while you accuse them of raping and pillaging our country.

Call me when you get out of the hospital…if.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Hey OWS, you wanna impress me?”
  1. I sure hope to God they have enough brain matter in there to see a losing fight when they see one.

    -checks one- NOPE! Let’s get the zombies moving boys!

  2. Don’t forget about their nasty, noisy, decidant, pollution spewing machines!! Comeon hippie, don’t you love Gaia?!?

  3. Over the course of their lives, my parents have had precisely one interaction with the Hell’s Angels… I cannot remember where they were (this was before my time), but they were on a road trip to somewhere, and were appropriately in the middle of nowhere. They had stopped for gas, and right afterwards, a team of Angels rolled into the station. My parents prudently wrapped up their business, paid the attendant, and were on their way within minutes, and made it a few miles down the road before the Angels caught up with them.

    The bikers surrounded their car and motioned for them to pull over – well, what the hell are you going to do? They pulled over and very quietly waited until one of the bigger gentlemen walked over to their car, tapped on their window, and…

    … Held up the gas cap they had dropped at the gas station in their hurry to leave. They thanked the man, the bikers rolled off, and that was that.

    So what was the point of that story? No point. Just wanted to share ;).

    Me, I would pay hard-earned money (something the Occupy weenies and their quisling sympathizers do not seem to comprehend) to be able to observe – from a safe distance – while the Occupiers camped out at that building.

  4. LOL, Miguel- this post reminds me of how my first martial arts instructor said a person should learn to fight, only you’re not sending them to a biker bar. LOL.

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