Yesterday Miguel posted: They want you dead: Open threats of arson in Kansas.

It contained this Tweet:

Now let us go to WMUR9 in New Hampshire:

Police investigate threatening letters sent to Trump supporters

It is clearly the same letter from the above Tweet.

According to the article:

Milford police said the same letter was mailed to other homes that have signs supporting Trump’s presidential campaign. The department is now investigating and has contacted the state Attorney General’s Office.

Two people in Brookline have also received a letter.

Kansas City, Missouri, Milford and Brookline, New Hampshire.

Given the disparity here I don’t know if this is a hoax, a loan nut job, or if this is some sort of Antifa form letter that radicals have been sharing online.

It is worth keeping an eye on and seeing what progresses from this.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Hoax or coordinated effort”
  1. I mentioned the article to my lady yesterday and she immediately called back with “well, dinner of my left leaning friends have gotten similar letters” which is sort of where all of our conversations go in politics today.

    But I did think about it for a little bit and decided her report was unlikely. First, if it did happen it would have been reported and the report would have been amplified to the world. For example the women that got mixed in with a big Trump convoy that claimed she almost crashed because orange man bad.

    Given the amount of resources spent on a door pull, you know that the FBI would have been out investigating all sorts of big scary sounding crimes.

    But for me, it is the fact that none of the blogs or podcasts or any of our influencers would ever suggest something like that. All of the truck talk on the right is reactive. Come and take it. Don’t tread on me. You go ahead and be the first on the stack up. If they try and take out guns, they won’t find it as easy as they think.

    Reactive. The left is filled with active discussions. With active events. It feels like it is more true when it is attacking the right than when it is attacking the left. Confirmation bias? Maybe.

    At the same time, the liberal shit town north of us had a big stink lady month. Somebody was stealing BLM yard signs. Horrible horrible horrible, police out investigating horrible actions of extreme right wing criminals.

    All over the news locally. Comment section quickly filled up with “where were the police when we reported our Trump sign taken?” “Where was your outrage when our Trump sign was destroyed?” “Where were you when somebody drove through our yard and knocked over all of our yard signs?”

    I don’t know if it is a hoax or not, but it is much more real and threatening then a “noise” hanging if a garage door at a race track.

  2. Reports of leftists getting e-mails threatening them if Trump does not win are circulating locally here. Covered in the local Pravda birdcage liner.

    Truth level is questionable at best. Given that a lot of leftists are not above faking a hate crime, I am suspicious about a mass e-mail supposedly from the Trump campaign.

    However, there is a significant cost associated with printing and distributing a piece of paper, I would not put this past some BLMANTIFA activist using some Soros funds to stir the pot. As any good fiver year old knows, a threat is always taken seriously, and the adults will always obey if properly threatened with a tantrum.

    1. I think that faking a right-wing intimidation letter is right in the Antifa swim lane.
      They have already got most of the media proclaiming that:
      1. Antifa is not an organization, it’s an “idea.”
      2. Antifa and BLM have peaceful protests.
      3. Only right-wing anti-protesters are violent.
      4. Occasional criminals might cause a problem during their peaceful protests, but it’s not on purpose, and not their fault.

      F****ing leftmedia. Aiders and abetters.

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