And the threatening note for your enjoyment, please click to enlarge.

I think they want Trump to concede the election even if he wins y a Reagan-type landslide.

The night of November 3rd to the morning of  4th is going to be rather interesting. I do believe that we will see public disorders and riots because that is what they want.

Get your toilet paper now.

Update & Correction:

Reader Joe Henderson points out that the event happened in Kansas City MO rather than to other one.  Thank you for the heads up.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

23 thoughts on “They want you dead: Open threats of arson in Kansas.”
  1. I hope they find the sick idiot who left these.

    The irony just drips off the page. Who’s the threat to democracy, again?

  2. Always remember it was you that started this civil war”

    Item one: projection, much?

    Item two: on what basis do you assume that I will respond as if I were Portland PD? Indeed, if you have the DA in your pants, somewhere, after the first one, aren’t the rest of you cancerous bastards, free?

  3. Both Kansas and Missouri are Constitutional Carry states with strong Castle Doctrine laws. This isn’t going to work out well for potential leftist terrorists (the McClosky case notwithstanding)

    1. The important part of the law would be what we in Florida call Forcible Felonies which allow for the use of Deadly Force.
      Make sure your state covers it and type of carry and Castle Doctrine are just extra help.

  4. This is what cameras are for. If this were a neighbor that put this on my door, we’d have…words…Probably to the effect of telling them if so much as a blade of grass is disturbed on my property, they’d be made to pay.

    Speaking of words – WTF does “..your preemptive actions against democracy” mean?

    Why is it that when someone votes other than in a way they like, it’s somehow not democratic? I remember when a handful of seats changed in the house that crone Pelosi started chirping about how the two party system was restored.


    1. Words? No, I think if someone did this to me and I knew the person’s identity, a criminal complaint charging threat of arson, threat of grave bodily harm, and election interference would be the starting point.
      Meanwhile, as I recall, the citizens of Kansas were the leaders in the struggle against slavery. “Jayhawks”, right?

      1. Extremest from both sides flocked to kansas to make it their battleground state and the term bleeding kansas was the result. Kansas never participated in the Civil War at a national level as it was to busy tearing itself apart with constant gorilla warfare.

      1. Lots of ink jet printers apparently embed codes as well. That’s why some will refuse to print B&W without a full set of colrs

  5. I recommend Thomas “The Spanish Civil War” to see how this is likely to turn out. He’s a man of the left himself, but too good a historian not to tell the truth, or at least most of it. This will be a war of atrocity piled on atrocity, all religious wars are, and this is a religious war to the left.

  6. Wow…. Just WOW!

    Trump is causing the hatred and division across the nation? Does anyone have any articles about Trump supporters threatening democrats? Stealing democrat yard signs?

    No? Nothing???

    I guess if something happens that you do not like, it must be the fault of people who disagree with you, and you now have the right to destroy their stuff.

    Who else thinks that way? Yeah. A toddler.

  7. Here would be my reply:

    I am, in fact, a Trump supporter.

    I have forwarded your note to the police and the FBI, and have also kept a copy of your note, which will be referred to as “Exhibit A” in future court proceedings, followed by the video of you leaving it on my door, which will be labeled “Exhibit B.”
    I have adequate insurance that covers damage. Might I recommend that anyone who intends on entering my property with the thought of committing violent acts (including arson) also check their own insurance policy. Make sure that it has adequate coverage for the treatment of multiple gunshot wounds. I would also recommend having an attorney on retainer, because I will sue everyone who participates in the attack, including the estate of anyone who doesn’t survive the event.

    All I did was participate in the Democratic selection of our elected representatives. If you intend to call this the opening of a civil war and respond with violence and arson, then I would tell you that I will do all in my power to ensure that your part in the civil war that you seem intent on fighting will end with me.

    I will not fire unless fired upon, but if you intend to have a war, let it begin here.

  8. If you’re not already keeping a mental list (I’d strongly advise leaving any kind of trail, be it paper or digital) of people in your neighborhood with BLM or Biden signs in their yards, you’re doing it wrong.

    Sauce for the gander and all that.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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