Today, the State of New York did one of the most despicable acts ever perpetrated by any state by asking New York banks, financial institutions and insurance companies to stop doing business with the gun and ammo industry.
While it may not make a difference to New York, Hornady will not knowingly allow our ammunition to be sold to the State of NY or any NY agencies. Their actions are a blatant and disgusting abuse of office and we won’t be associated with a government that acts like that. They should be ashamed.

-Steve Hornady, president of Hornady Manufacturing Company.

Hornady stands up to State of New York.

This should spread. Although I am sure gun-related companies may have contracts with different LEO organizations, once their contracts are up, they should refuse to renew them and let them fend on their own.

One good thing for BLM activist is that Police Shootings will drop to amazing lows. And probably there won’t be many cops around.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Hornady to Ney York: F and U”
  1. actually what the gun industry needs to do is stop any and all contracts with any state or agency that calls for this.This looks like a breach of contract to me.. Liberals seem to think they can do whatever so why cant We the People??

  2. The right answer is not to wait for any contract to expire but terminate it immediately.
    Good to see that Barrett is not the only manufacturer with balls.

  3. Unfortunately, the effected agencies will either fall back to another manufacturer, or they will start piggybacking their orders off of DOJ, DHS, and/or DOD contracts.

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