By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “How about you go f*** yourself, you senile selected piece of shit?”
  1. I am looking at my copy of the Constitution at the enumerated powers of the President, and I don’t see where “forcing people to get medical treatment” is on there…
    Maybe he can get the AFT to declare that COVID is a machine gun.

  2. You can choose from phantom fears,
    Or kindness that can kill.
    I will chose the path that’s clear.
    I will choose FREEWILL.

    Freewill – Rush

  3. I refuse to self-identify any choice or condition that’s nobody’s business but my own.

    I’m not getting the shot(s). And I’m not displaying the Face Diaper of Shame [TM]. I’ve seen what happens to “deplorable” people who are forced to publicly wear the symbol of their deplorableness, and I refuse to play.

    Or, put another, simpler way: “No. Your move.”

      1. It’s looking like that in Oregon. The updated masking guidelines have been released by Our Glorious Governor, and “fully-vaccinated” people will be able to go about without masks under most circumstances (public transportation, hospitals, and a few other places will still require them).

        Meanwhile, those of us who refuse to inject ourselves with an untested substance with unknown long-term side-effects, will continue to have to wear the Face Diapers any time we’re out, unless we’re outdoors AND can maintain “social distancing”*.

        So yes, non-vaxxed people will have to self-identify their vaccine status, right on their faces.

        That is to say, we would if we had any intention of complying.

        I’d rather print off a counterfeit “COVID-19 passport”, fill it out, scribble an illegible signature (probably using my off-hand), and go unmasked. They’ve already all-but-admitted that they won’t be keeping a database to verify it against**, so….

        Then again, enough fully-vaccinated people have said they’re not comfortable going unmasked and will keep wearing them (how’s that for brainwashing, eh?), that there’s enough “vaccine uncertainty” going both ways in which to conceal your status.

        We live in interesting times.

        * – Yes, we’re still doing the “6 feet apart” thing, even though the CDC said it doesn’t matter.
        ** – The exact question asked was, “What do we do if we lose our COVID passport?” And the answer was (paraphrased), “Don’t, because only you and your doctor will have any kind of record of it.”

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