Democrat politicians have been using the Coronavirus as justification for stomping on the religious freedoms of Americans.

Want to have a Minyan at your Synagogue?  Oberbürgermeister de Blasio will shut you down.

Want to attend a Church service on Easter Sunday?  Reichsstatthalters Beshear, Murphy, Cuomo, and Whitmer will shut you down.

But that’s not the worst.  The LGBT community might have just kicked social division up a notch.

Really?  This is what they want to run with?

You couldn’t swing a cat in the 90s without hitting an evangelical who believed HIV was God’s punishment for homosexuality. But that logic isn’t on their side today.

Somebody has been holding onto that grudge for 30 years.

Fundamentalists apparently consider San Francisco the capital of the LGBTQ world. This all started with the AIDS crisis when evangelicals said that God proved his anger at homosexuals by putting that plague on their capital city.

So, according to their logic, if God showed his anger on the issue of LGBTQ equality by striking San Francisco with AIDS, then God must now be angry with religious people by striking the headquarters of the world’s religions with the COVID-19: Rome, headquarters of Catholics; Athens, the headquarters of Greek Orthodoxy; Moscow, the headquarters of Russian orthodoxy; London, home of the Anglican communion; Mecca, home of Muslims; Jerusalem, home of Jewish faith; and Salt Lake City, home of the Mormons.

Now let’s compare and see what God’s wrath is. San Francisco has under 1000 cases and only 12 deaths. All of the headquarters cities of the world’s major religions, religions that at one point or another have discriminated against the LGBTQ community, have more cases and more deaths than San Francisco. San Francisco is the least affected of all the cities.

This person is absolutely giddy about people dying of a respiratory virus.

The numbers of elderly and infirm dying is just the greatest thing for this pile of human garbage, and he can’t wait to dunk it on people.

Here’s the thing,  California had over 23,000 cases and 750 deaths.  Jerusalem had 12,000 cases and 140 deaths.  Salt Lake City has 2,300 cases and 19 deaths.

New York, the Medina to the Leftist Mecca of San Francisco, has had 213,000 cases and 11,500 deaths.

So it seems that the virus isn’t targeting religious people, just high population density locations.  Rome had the highest death toll on the list at 22,000, it also happens to be the third most populous city in Europe.

But blame the Holy See whydontcha.

I don’t take any of this lightly. We’re going through a tough time unlike any other. Times like this are times to band together.

So, to those preachers still spreading hate, I say: stop blaming people and start helping people. Your homophobic sermons only harm your followers by spreading misinformation.

Did I miss something?  Has there been any preachers running around saying the gays are to blame for the Coronavirus?

Another LGBT site, Pink News, said that the Israeli Health Ministry blamed the virus on gays.  That turned out to be a story that originated on a Leftist antisemitic hate site.

So not just is the author being an asshole to religion people but he’s spreading antisemitic propaganda.

The truth is, we’re all here to help one another. That’s how you get through a moment like this.

I agree with this.  Except that after his grotesque dunk, I know he’s disingenuous about this point and all I want to do is make him put his teeth on a curb.

We in the gay community have understood that since day one. We know the value of working together, and we’ve seen that it works.

But any sense of “working together” this guy might have had worth the Religious community, he just destroyed with a thermonuclear glitter bomb.

Looking at Twitter, the gay community absolutely hating on religious people at the moment is all the rage.

There is nothing quite at deplorable as using a crisis like this to proclaim victim status while simultaneously saying “karma’s a bitch” to suffering people.

I don’t know why but some people love to make enemies.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “How to make enemies and alienate people – LGBT Coronavirus edition”
  1. “If HIV was God’s punishment for gays, then coronavirus is God’s punishment for Christians
    — LGBTQ Nation”

    So… the ChiCom Flu virus only targets non-LGBTQABC123 folks? Fascinating result of a well-thoughtout scientific study from these professional arm-chair virologists. /sarc

  2. Before it was called AIDS, it was known to the doctors and nurses as WOGS – Wrath Of God Syndrome.

    He says San Fiasco has under 1000 cases and only 12 deaths. The fact it might have less to do with God and a lot more to do with Donald Trump would really send him into a tailspin (insert punchline if so motivated).

    If stuff like this isn’t proof homosexuality is a mental disorder, we need a logic transplant from Vulcan.

  3. They might not be wrong.

    To date, all cases of COVID-19, and I mean each and every one of them, has only effected the male or female genders. NONE of the other 70+ genders have demonstrated a single case of the disease.

  4. Political gays have never wanted to work with religious people unless religious people abandon the tenets of their faith.

  5. I swear to the gods I don’t believe in. Homosexual activists like this are almost – almost – enough to turn me heterosexual.

    Yes, there are evangelical Christians who are actively prejudiced and actively hostile to homosexuals. They believe all gay men are pedophiles, all lesbians are misandrist witches, all bisexuals are nymphomanics, and that transgender folks are lurking behind every bush just waiting to pounce and make their sons wear skirts and their daughters grow beards.

    Unfortunately, people like this and other self-proclaimed representatives of the “LGBT Community” are just as prejudiced and just as hostile… and they paint all Christians with as broad a brush. Everyone who’s ever glanced at a Bible or mumbled their way through an Easter Mass is just waiting for Mike Pence to sound the trumpet and declare the new Theocratic States of Jesusland.

    A pox on both their houses.

    The overwhelming majority of Christians seem quite content to say “Meh, being gay ain’t what I think is morally correct, but if you ain’t hurting anyone carry on.”

    The overwhelming majority of LGBT folks are content to say “Meh, I don’t care if you approve of my life or not. But if you don’t hurt me and I don’t hurt you, let’s all just carry on.”

    1. Indeed. It is always the vitriolic loud minority of any group (political or not) that spews out this garbage and hatred.

    2. Ish: yep, yep, yep!

      And, should being gay( or whatever) be a highway to perdition, well (a) that decision is made at a far, far higher Pay Grade than mine. And (b) The Creator has not appeared to require my assistance in these matters.

      Therefore, my default is to treat all them folks just as if they, too, are children of God. As I try to live, my own self.

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