Gun people often bring up New York’s estimated 5% max of compliance with the NYSAFE Act.

The point is this.

They know they will not get 100% compliance.

Remember your Ayn Rand: “The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them.”

The point is this:

You are your enemy.  They know that even if you try and comply, the rules are so onerous that you probably can’t fully comply.  Did you mail in your $800 insurance check a week late?  Your licence is expired and you are a felon now.

The point is that this is something they can use to hammer any gun owner at any time.

Get on their radar for some reason and they will investigate you and this gives them the ability to stack felonies on you like rocks on Giles Corey, to crush you.

A man in Florida is under investigation for suppressing the civil rights of voters for spreading memes (this will be another post later on).

Now imagine if, on top of that bullshit charge, they have two dozen gun felonies to stack on top of you?

That’s the point, to make each and every one of us will be a felon walking, keeping our heads low not going anything that might attract their attention.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “I agree with Miguel who agrees with me”
  1. Right. HOWEVER , with the amount of Americans in this Country it will take centuries to charge us all. And IF it starts I dont think it will end well for some.. oh and keeping a low profile isnt a bad idea… you tend to stay outta trouble that way..

    1. No, the pigs will happily charge you with gun charges when they get you for anything else at all, and they’ll be eager to look.

      And your fellow “law abiding” types will cheerfully turn you in to prove they’re GOOD gun owners!

      And look for employers to start requiring a background check of your status.

      And even if you hang onto them, your kids will turn them in as soon as you’re headed for the nursing home.

      “They can’t enforce it, so don’t worry,” is the thinking of a faggot. The actions above are the actions of faggots. And America has become a nation of faggots.

  2. Nullification.

    What happens when entire states wipe their asses (figuratively if not literally) with this imperial proclamation?

    1. That kind of nullification is problematic. If the federal action is constitutional, the state has no authority to override it. And if it isn’t constitutional, the state has no need to do so.
      On the other hand, jury nullification is a good option and should be vigorously pursued. It has a long and honorable history — consider the way it was used in the 1850s for anti-slavery purposes. And as Lysander Spooner argues in “An essay on the trial by jury” it goes back to the beginnings of the jury system, 1000 years or so.

    2. The Feds will refuse to dispense that lovely federal highway money, etc, and they’ll bend over like a bitch, and then you will, too.

      1. “You know all that money you collect as part of federal tax? It’s ours now.”

        Betcha we can be retarded longer than they can be solvent, big boy.

  3. Re: SAFE Act compliance

    The part of the law pertaining to “assault weapon” registration still isn’t really being enforced. Since it passed in 2013, there have been no stand alone arrests for possession of an unregistered assault weapon. I’ve really only heard of a couple of arrests over the years, and those were for “kitchen sink” type cases where the defendant did a whole lot of other highly illegal stuff and they just tossed the possession charge on to make life worse. That said, it doesn’t mean the law can’t be enforced. Only that the state police don’t care right now.

    Of course, considering that the assault weapon provision of the SAFE Act is a feature ban, it’s all a moot point. AR-15’s are still readily available in New York. You can buy one at Cabela’s. It also doesn’t have to be registered. Granted, it’s an ugly, featureless rifle, but it accepts detachable magazines and functions the exact same. Or you can buy one with the naughty parts that has a fixed magazine. I suppose someone so inclined could always “unfix” the magazine layer, but that would be illegal. It’s a great law, that SAFE Act.

  4. Two stories to keep in mind. First personal from my manager in MA. He had gotten a FOID card when MA first required them. The FOID was good for life.

    When he left the state, he transferred his firearms to his father. When he came back into the state he went to get his firearms back from his father and found out that his “Good for life” FOID was expired. He had to go get a new FOID and he had to renew it on a regular basis. Gun grabbers lie. You can’t trust them. And they intend to F* you over if they can.

    In IL they issued FOID cards. They expire. You have a certain amount of time to renew after they expire with no penalty.

    The state of IL sends out 2.17 MILLION notifications every year to people who’s Drivers License is about to expire. If the driver doesn’t renew, they are given another warning by mail. There might even be a third.

    On the other hand, the state has to track only 1.4Million FOID holders with a 10 year expiration, which means they only have to send out 140 thousand warnings per year.

    But they sent ZERO. But some how they knew when the grace period had expired for those of that 140 thousand that didn’t renew and were able to send the state police to collect the now illegal guns.

    They wanted people to forget to renew. They wanted people to violate the law. All so they could punish people for not filling the right paperwork.

    1. Once again it’s important to drive home this point, and keep driving until it finally register:
      If you are a gun owner and intend to keep your guns, you must NEVER vote for a Democrat. Never, not one, no matter what excuses or platitude he speaks.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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