My social media and pages I visit  are peppered by the Chest Thumpers® and No Compromise!™ people demanding that the NRA should burn to the ground.

I ask them if the NRA dies this weekend, which other organization is going to realistically fill that hole by Monday. I am talking from Lobbyist and Lawyers to training, competition and matches.

So far the answer has been the same:

It seem that the Cool Kids Club have forgotten that Michael Bloomberg and his minions will not give us a 5 year break to reorganize. In fact, they are looking for that NRA collapse to win.

I swear we have a mixture of Useful Idiots with Fifth Columnists among us.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “I cannot get an answer and I wonder why.”
  1. It appears that “Ollie” North and the ad agency vs Wayne and HQ is the game. “Ollie” has tried to blackmail Wayne into getting out. I understand “Ollie” is up for re-election Monday. I wonder if he has a cross contract with the ad agency,, the one that is making bux off NRATV. “Ollie” is a known crook. I think Wayne is about at the end, but I don’t want the ad agency just making huge bux off NRA for nothing. I don’t think we need any more “Ollie”. If he is the one throwing shit on the wall waiting to see what will stick, he needs to be out.


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