By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “I gotta move to Polk County”
  1. I love when “reporters” try to instruct Law Enforcement officials on the law. Kinda’ like when bean counters try to tell me how to do engineering. Unlike the Sheriff, I have been known to laugh in the idiots faces.

  2. Awesome. The reporter is obviously confused with states where you are only allowed to shoot someone if they are actively trying to kill you. Carjacking an occupied car is a forcible felony, especially in the middle of a string of crimes that demonstrate a dangerous and violent individual. The liberal reporter thinks that if a person doesn’t actually come up and point a gun at you, you shouldn’t be allowed to prevent them from leaving with your car. And then what? The violent felon is in a car, perhaps successfully flees, perhaps forces the police to engage in a dangerous pursuit that puts other lives at risk, etc. But then, unhappy with the answer to his question, he starts trying to change the subject to something completely unrelated (of course bringing Trump into the subject, have to make Trump part of if, of course). “I’m not going to answer that question”…and then he winks at him. I think we should put this guy up for President next!
    Bet money that leftists think this is highly offensive and racist, since the perpetrator happened to be black. How dare you show a picture of a black man while calling him a criminal!? Don’t you know that might give people the wrong idea, make them think that it’s possible for a black person to be a dangerous criminal!? if it had been a white man, the sheriffs would have winked and looked the other way, no doubt. And obviously he was just afraid the police would show up and shoot him for being involved in a car accident, so he felt he had no choice but to flee and try to forcibly steal several people’s cars. Those racist citizens, who didn’t want to let a victimized black man use their vehicles, used force against the unarmed man, in full knowledge that the law would protect them as Privileged White People, etc, and because they hoped that the racist police would catch him and shoot him, etc, etc, etc.

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