By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “I think FMJ would work better than rocks”
    1. 35 to 48 inches of hempen cord or some other form of strong rope; 4 to 6 square inches of soft leather, thick denim, or some other strong but flexible material cut into a roughly oval shape; and something sharp that can poke holes into the leather/cloth. Grab a couple fistfuls of rocks.

      Congratulations. You’ve got a shepherds’ sling.

      With minimal practice, you can break a man’s ribs from a couple hundred yards. With luck (or with more practice) you can crack a man’s skull from the same or greater distances.

      ¡Cuba Libre!

      1. And you can fit the whole rig in your pocket, usually even more easily than a handgun (and DEFINITELY more easily than a rifle!). Plus until the shot lands, it’s pretty much completely silent. And ammo is free and plentiful. 🙂

        Treat it with the purpose behind the “Liberator” pistol — not meant to fight a battle; rather to ambush an enemy combatant in order to relieve him of his weapons.

        In any case, Cuba is headed for some interesting times.

        1. They’re also wonderful for taking smoke, tear gas, and other crowd dispersal agent grenades and sending them back to where they came from…

          And sending Molotov Cocktails over security fences or past walls of riot shield equipped police forces…

          I’m honestly shocked none of my local Communist Revolution Cosplay Committee groups have tried using slings yet. Then again, if any of them had ever cracked open a history book, they wouldn’t be part of Antifa.

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