…. after the sublime beat down in Colorado recalling Morse and Giron, one of the Gun Control groups’ spins has been. “Well, it does not matter. The laws are still on the books.”

They are basically saying: “Once we got what we want, if you get it in the gonads, it will not matter much to us.”

It kinda sends the wrong message to legislators, specially a lack of loyalty for putting themselves in the chopping block. So, Dear Legislators: When your alleged supporters want you to change the oil of the bus while in motion…….not good. Rethink allegiances.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “I was thinking….”
  1. It’s certainly a bad public message to be putting out there, but privately, they’re still licking their wounds and looking for other anti-gun politicians to support. As we’re all aware, the anti-gun groups won’t stop with the gun control laws until all firearms are banned. They didn’t stop in the UK, they didn’t stop in AU, every year CA passes new gun control laws and NY, NJ and MA will continue to push for new laws as well. It won’t stop until Joyce, Bloomberg and that idiot from CA are bankrupt.

    1. There will always be another tyrant, another nanny, or another wealthy useful idiot.

      The death of Bloomberg and the Joyce Foundation as effective forces in this realm will only herald the entrance of a new moneyed player.

  2. And here Hickenlooper accepted a bribe (to be paid at a future date) to ram through the anti-gun legislation.

    A bribe that, based on historic behavior, will never be paid.

    So much cheaper to kill the assassin you hired to murder your wife.

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